Natural Sciences and Mathematics Thesis Guidelines
A Senior Honors Thesis, in an experimentation-based discipline, typically arises from close collaboration with a faculty member on an existing research project. Ideally, you will identify a significant aspect of that research and craft a smaller project representing your own work. The thesis should include an introduction explaining the relevance of your work to the broader field of study, a brief literature review, pertinent explanations of all technical innovations and processes, and an appropriate representation of results achieved. On average, the thesis will be between 30-60 pages.
Please note, an NSM thesis committee must include two faculty members from the student's major department.
Working with Human Subjects: If your research proposal includes working with human subjects, please discuss with your faculty mentor if your research will require approval from the University's Institutional Review Board (IRB) policy prior to initiating your research.
A senior honors thesis must demonstrate:
- Substantial research-based argumentation (with all the accompanying effective incorporation, analysis, and synthesis and citation of sources)
- Quality organization and prose
- Professional formatting
Deadlines and Procedures
Please review the NSM Senior Honors Thesis Guidelines webpage for pertinent information on formatting, binding, and the submission deadline. NSM also provides a senior honors thesis general instructions guide linked from their website.
Email Sharonda Glass to submit your Honors Thesis prior to the deadline. Your thesis will be reviewed you will be required to make corrections and resubmit the thesis. Once approved, you will submit your final thesis to the Honors College.
The thesis defense form and directions for submitting the final approved thesis to the Honors College can be found on the Honors College's Defense and Graduation page. After your thesis is checked and approved by NSM, the final thesis must be submitted to the Senior Honors Thesis Electronic Portal by the last day of the term.
There are no bound copies of the thesis required for the Honors College. However, all students who complete the senior honors thesis are welcome to submit a bound copy to the Honors College for display in the Estess Library.
Senior Honors Thesis Representatives
Sharonda Glass
NSM Senior Honors Thesis Representative
Dr. Rikki Bettinger
Senior Honors Thesis Director