Take 5 minutes to go outside, breathe and disconnect from any distractions because you deserve it!
Take 5 minutes and draw something! All you need is a pen/pencil, paper, and your drawing inspiration.
Take 5 Minutes to Meditate and Relax Set a timer for five minutes, so you can relax and not worry about staying in meditation for ‘too long’, missing appointments. (If you have an iPhone, the Healing Music application can be used as a timer, though the regular timer that comes with most phones can also be useful.)
Relax Your Body Just close your eyes and relax. Take a few deep breaths from your diaphragm and release the tension in your body.
Focus on a five-count breath: 1. Slowly inhale from the belly 2. Then into ribs 3. Then into chest 4. Up into crown of the head 5. Then gently hold the breath for the fifth count
Reverse this process on the exhale for another count of five, exhaling from the crown, chest, ribs, belly, pausing on the last bit of breath out of the body, and then begin again.
Try to visualize the tension leaving your body from your head to your feet, either as imagining that the stress is literally draining from you through your toes, escaping your body with every breath, or simply melting away. Concentrating on your breath while you are imagining releasing your stress and tension helps give you something to focus on while also reaping the potent benefit of deep breaths.
Take 5 minutes and call a friend or relative . . . If the call goes longer, fine; but if they have to hang up (to go to do homework, comfort a baby, eat dinner), then it’s totally cool. Not every call has to be a deep conversation. They can just be short and sweet for example, “I’m am cutting my own haircut today, any advice?” or “What cute things is your baby doing?”, chat quickly and hang up. Now enjoy this little catch-up call.
Drink a Glass of Water Hydration is important whether you are at work, home, or school. Most people don't realize that they aren't drinking enough water. The standard goal is to aim for 64 ounces of water a day. Take five minutes to make sure you get in another eight ounces today.
Take a Quick 5 minutes Bike Ride Like walking, riding a bike is a great way to get exercise and time for yourself. Cycling is also ideal for people who have knee or lower back problems.
Drink a Glass of Water Hydration is important whether you are at work, home, or school. Most people don't realize that they aren't drinking enough water. The standard goal is to aim for 64 ounces of water a day. Take five minutes to make sure you get in another eight ounces today.
Spend 5 minutes remembering nice things you've done for people Remember something nice you've done, then remember another. Keep doing it for five minutes. They may come quickly or they may take time, it doesn't matter. We've all done so many nice things, but so often we don't remember to give ourselves credit for them. It's important for us to remind ourselves.
Make Breakfast for Yourself Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Make something you've never tried before or that you normally wouldn't eat because you don't have time. You can make eggs and toast in about five minutes.
Go smile at yourself in the mirror Find a mirror and smile away. Pick up your phone, leave it off, and smile at yourself on the screen. Smile at yourself when you're in front of a window or a glass door. Flip down that visor and give yourself a smile when you're stopped at the next light. If you don't feel like smiling hold your mouth in a smile, use your fingers to pull up the corners of your mouth if you have to. Soon the endorphins will make you feel like smiling.
Take a Five-Minute Nap There's a lot to be said for the power nap. I find that when I'm exhausted, even a five-minute nap can be refreshing and provide an excellent opportunity to get some alone time.
Take Quick 5 minutes Foot Soak Give your feet a rest with a five-minute foot soak in the tub or a water basin. Soaking in bath salts is an excellent way to take some time to yourself, relax, and ease tired feet. You don't need to buy expensive salts. A cup of Epsom salt will work fine, or for added relaxation and aromatherapy, you can sprinkle in dried herbs such as lavender or chamomile.