Student Support
How the College of Education Supports Students
Faculty Mentorship
The College of Education recently developed a faculty mentorship program to help students who may not necessarily be considered “at risk” academically, but who may need guidance and support in understanding how their choice of major can be used in real world work experience. These students are able to meet with a faculty member in their chosen field who is able to guide them through internship processes, research opportunities, and offer solid career advice.
Students are targeted to apply to the program each semester based on certain criteria and some students are also nominated by their academic advisor to participate in the program. Once students are accepted, they are then matched to a faculty mentor in their chosen major and meet with their mentor several times over the course of the term.
Students who are readmitted to the College of Education from academic suspension are automatically assigned a faculty mentor as part of their growth plan.
Peer Mentorship
Students who are placed on academic warning or probation are provided with a peer mentor. Students are purposefully matched to a peer mentor in their same major to maximize support. As part of the academic warning/probation growth plan, students are required to meet with their peer mentor several times during the course of the semester.
The College has face-to-face peer mentors who are ready to serve students. Students are able to make an appointment with a peer mentor via Navigate under Support Services. Each mentor’s major is listed but students are welcome to see any mentor on duty. Some of the common reasons students seek out a peer mentor is to discuss classes, professors, and just to have someone to talk with.
As a student, you may receive emails and/or texts from our peer mentors. This is our way of checking on you to make sure you have what you need.
Students Talk Workshop Series
Peer Mentors will present three to four workshops each semester. These workshops are designed to help you work through common issues students face.
Workshops vary each semester. Please check the schedule for upcoming workshops for this semester.
Cougar Cupboard 2
PEEPS stands for Personal Early Educational Performance Support. The College of Education truly cares about their students and wants to make sure all students have the support they need.
Food insecurity among college students is a growing, but little discussed, problem ravaging campuses across the country. Many well know campuses such as the University of Missouri, University of California, and the University of Alabama have all opened food pantries for food insecure students.
The rising costs of college tuition, books, and low paying wages leave little for college students to afford to attend school and also feed themselves.
The College of Education recognizes that students who are food insecure are not able to concentrate and retain information as well as they should. This is where PEEPS Pantry hopes to make a difference.
We want you to feel comfortable in coming to us for assistance. We have seen a need for a food pantry and your education is important to us. The less you have to worry about, the better you can study!
Please only take the kinds of food you will actually use, so that we have plenty for everyone. Also understand that we will do our best to keep supplies according to demand, but there may be times when our pantry runs low on some items.
Please visit our Cougar Cupboard 2 webpage (formerly PEEPS Pantry) for detailed information. You can also learn how to help by volunteering and donating.
The First Year Experience
The transition from high school to university can be difficult. Many times students are moving away from home for the first time, whether it is only across town to the residence hall or from another state. Even the highest performing high school student can have trouble their first semester. High school is much more structured and students follow a set schedule.
In college, students are left to make decisions for themselves. High school students usually have many opportunities to make good grades-homework, quizzes, projects, extra credit. Usually there are only three tests in one semester and, whereas high school students have an entire year to learn material, courses in college are taught that same material in half that amount of time. Much of high school testing involves memorization and being able to recall it on a test. Students at the university level are expected to be able to apply what is learned to various scenarios.
Many high school students balk at the thought of going to tutoring! Please understand the tutoring resources are available to help students succeed and, for the most part, are included in your tuition and fees! Use these resources…successful people know to ask for help!
When a student does not know where to turn for help many times they just give up. Please let our office know if you have any questions about anything…residence halls, dining, financial aid, health concerns, homesickness, etc. We have contacts throughout the university and will be happy to connect you to the correct person who will be able to help you!
Transfer Students
Transfer students are often overlooked as people who may need assistance. However, the transition from a community college or other university can be just as overwhelming as entering college for the first time. Class sizes may be much larger than what students are accustomed to, finding new friends can be intimidating, and exams may be more difficult than those at a community college. There are numerous challenges to adjusting to a new school. If you are a transfer student and need help or have questions, please contact our office and let us help. We are here to support all students!
First Generation Students
The thought of navigating college for first generation students can be overwhelming. No one in your family is able to guide you through the processes. You may feel lost and very alone. However, you are about to embark on a wonderful adventure and we want to make sure your journey is a good one.
The College of Education understands and is here to help you. We have established a first generation student group called Gen1 If you have questions or don’t know where to turn, get involved with the Gen1 student group. You do not have to go it alone!
Justin Dart, Jr., Student Accessibility Center
If you are a student who needs accommodations and has documentation for a verifiable condition or medical issue, please visit the Justin Dart, Jr., Student Accessibility Center. The office has information regarding what kind of accommodations and services they offer, as well as the documentation needed, on their website. If you need assistance from the College of Education locating the Justin Dart, Jr., Student Accessibility Center, please let us know and we will be happy to walk with you to the location to make sure you get to the correct place.
Keep in mind the Justin Dart, Jr., Student Accessibility Center can assist with temporary accommodations and impairments as well (examples include broken limbs, surgery recovery, rehabilitation recovery time, etc.)! If you are unsure if your condition qualifies, please contact the center directly.