Course Sequence -M.Ed. in Special Populations M.Ed. in Special Populations
Course Sequence Requirements
The University of Houston M.Ed. in Special Populations Program involves the completion of specific coursework. Specifically, students will take thirty (30) credit hours of coursework differentiated by emphasis area.
M.Ed. in Special Populations Sample Degree Plan
Certification requirements differ by certification area. Consult with a faculty advisor for more information and refer to Certification section of the Student Handbook.
Since degree plans change periodically, students will follow the degree plan that is in place at the time in which they complete an official, approved degree plan.
Please note that while certification requirements and degree requirements overlap, a student may apply to graduate before completing all certification requirements. Ultimately, Educational Diagnostician and Principal certification require that an individual be previously certified to teach in the State of Texas, have 2 (Principal) or 3 (Educational Diagnostician) years of qualified teaching experience, have completed 160 hours in a practicum/internship, have earned a Master’s Degree and passed the appropriate TExES Examination(s). Principal certification also requires applying to, and being accepted in, the K-12 Leadership Principal Certification program, additional coursework, and internship requirements.