University of Houston Division of Student Affairs - 2021–2022 Annual Report - University of Houston
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Strategic Plan Initiative - Resources

Students pursuing degrees at the University of Houston face many challenges — some they may find insurmountable. But the Division of Student Affairs is dedicated to helping students succeed, all the way from enrollment to graduation.

We advocate for everyone from future Coogs to those who have joined the UH community. We also help with scholarships, financial aid, and employment, while also providing academic opportunities that will empower students — especially those more vulnerable populations — to achieve academic, personal and professional success.

Evaluate, actively pursue, and leverage resources to enhance the UH experience.

graphic for strategies

The Resources strategic initiative focused on evaluating resources to identify opportunities for efficiency, improvement, and transformation, pursuing and developing resources to address identified gaps and needs, and leveraging and adapting resources to increase effective utilization.

Strategic Plan Sub-Tactics Completed

Table for Division Cohesion

This graph displays the total number of strategic plan sub-tactics completed within the Resources Goal from 2019 to 2023. Over this time period, 172 resource initiatives were completed. This goal focused on evaluating, actively pursuing, and leveraging resources to enhance the UH experience.

Wednesday Lunches Average Attendance

Table for Division Cohesion

The average attendance at the Wednesday Lunch Program was 54 in Fall 2019 and grew to an average of 227 by Spring 2023.

Dart Center Registration

Average Time for Students to Register with the Dart CenterThe AIM database digitized the registration process. Outcome: The average time for students to complete the registration process decreased from 2-3 weeks to less than 2 days.