CSI on Demand
- Leadership
- Civic Engagement
- Virtual Programming
- Registered Student Organizations
- Registered Student Organization Advisors
CSI On Demand is an online learning resource collection that helps anyone in the UH Community learn about leadership. Our resources allow for students, faculty, and staff to learn about leadership, as well as gain specific resources for working with Registered Student Organizations as Officers and Advisors.
Cougar Involvement Ambassadors
Akash Doshi
CIA Director
Junior, Civil Engineering/ MathematicsJoy Williams
CIA Operations Coordinator
Freshman, Computer ScienceSuraj Patel
Junior, Psychology/Health & Biology
Bukky Soyebo
Senior, Public Health
Victoria Phung
Junior, Psychology
Digital Sign Posting Policy & Restrictions
All Center for Student Involvement (CSI) Digital Screen posting requests must be submitted via email to the designated Center for Student Involvement staff person as listed on the Marketing Checklist at least 48 hours prior to posting. Request will not be accepted over the phone or in person.
Artwork should NOT include live messaging or video, which includes movies. The request for audio on any Digital Screen posting request is prohibited.
Digital screen requests will only be accepted from the Center for Student Involvement, CSI co-sponsors, and for events or programs where Fee Funded organizations are the primary sponsors.
All approved posts can be displayed in the daily rotation for a maximum of 30 days, unless a longer period is requested and approved by CSI.
All submitted artwork must be properly formatted (correct dimensions and DPI), or the request will be denied.
CSI has sole discretion on the approval or denial of digital signage requests.
Any exceptions for the policy will be considered by the Director for the Center for Student Involvement on a case by case basis.