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Get Involved

Get Involved! Become a member by:

  1. Funding a Seed Grant: Fund faculty and graduate student research projects, Propose areas of interest for call for proposals; provide feedback on which proposals are most valuable to industry, Interact directly with faculty and students on selected projects to help shape direction, updates and results for all seed fund projects shared among members and opportunity to progress projects with faculty upon seed fund grant program completion.
  2. Engaging with Students: A spot at the Energy Coalition Banquet (1 table), Sponsorship of Energy & Sustainability Undergraduate Research program), Energy Career Fair participation, Sponsorship of ETI Speaker Series, Student hackathon sponsorship, judging and team mentorship.
  3. Sponsoring Directed Research: Sponsored research with direct input on scope and added control over project scope and timing.
  4. Funding a Ph.D program:  Pre-select research area of interest; work directly with faculty advisor and student to shape program and provide mentorship,  direct interaction with student for consideration of future employment and potential gifted award with tax benefits or directed research with more control of project scope.

There is an annual membership fee which gets you invitation to a member meeting each quarter, support program management and faculty administrative time,  opportunity framing specific to your company needs, member only updates on Energy Transition technology and Whitepaper collaboration.

To learn more about how to become an ETI member, please contact:

Rabbiya Kamal Nagra (she/her)
Assistant Director Corporate Relations
Advancement and Alumni
University of Houston
Mobile (713) 743-6340