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Vendor Setup Requirements

PaymentWorks Vendor Registration

UH System migrated to PaymentWorks for vendor registration effective October 26, 2020, and all UH System campuses (UH, UHD, UHV, and UHCL) and all vendors for those campuses will need to use this system for vendor registration and updates.  All vendor types can register within this system upon invitation from one of our University of Houston System staff. 

If you are a student, employee, or temporary employee at one of the UHS institutions (UH, UHCL, UHD, or UHV), please do not use your UHS institution email address to setup your PaymentWorks account as a vendor (reimbursee), as this may cause issues in the future.

If you have been invited, you will receive an email from PaymentWorks with a link to begin the registration process.  If you need support on the system, please visit the PaymentWorks vendor support site. The registration process will be largely electronic.  A UH System PaymentWorks Vendor Registration Supplemental Form will also need to be completed and attached to the PaymentWorks registration.  We are working to incorporate these questions into the electronic form at a later date. 

If you have completed paperwork outside of PaymentWorks to setup as a vendor in the UH System, we do apologize for the inconvenience resulting from this change.  Unfortunately, we are no longer able to accept the prior vendor forms.  Please work with your contact at the UH System campus to ask that they have a campus business staff member invite you to be setup through PaymentWorks. 

For more information about PaymentWorks, please visit or review their payee FAQ at

PaymentWorks Registration Forms:

**For use ONLY when applicable as attachments to the online PaymentWorks registration, once invited by UH System**