Local Funds
Who can Travel on Local Funds
- Employees
- Prospective Employees
- Guests
- Contractors
- Students
- Prospective Students
Additional information
Travelers paid or reimbursed by local university funds must use those travel vendors that will provide the services required at the lowest possible price. All expenses must be reasonable and necessary for conducting university business during travel, as determined by the traveler’s supervisor or unit head, and the travel must benefit the university. Above travelers can use all federal funds (5XXX) except the following state-appropriated funds (5014, 5016, 5017 & 5018). State-appropriated funds can be used only for employees and prospective employees and it must follow state rules.
Sources: MAPP 04.02.01B; UH Office of Finance references; MAPP 04.02.01A; MAPP 02.02.05; MAPP 04.02.04;