FAQs - University of Houston
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General Questions

  • Why are many of the job descriptions and titles generic across vastly different departments in the University?

    Positions which involve substantially the same kind of work, equivalent levels of difficulty and responsibility, and require comparable experience and training, will be grouped together into a single job class.
  • Can I change my employee's position from hourly to monthly?

    No, the job your employee is slotted in is classified as exempt or non-exempt in accordance with FLSA standards.

    Compensation performs a standard duty test to determine whether or not a job is exempt or non-exempt.

  • How come my hourly paid employee can’t receive additional compensation pay for performing extra duties?

    Non-exempt employees are eligible for overtime and are paid for all hours work over 40 in a workweek.
  • It’s my budget, how come I can’t create a job at the pay grade I want and hire a potential employee at the salary I want?

    It is the responsibility of Compensation to determine the market value of a job. That determination also includes ensuring that future employees are brought in at the appropriate salary level, in accordance with the UH salary structure, as well as ensure equitability across the University.

Compensation Study and Phase Reviews

  • What is the Compensation Study and the Phase Reviews?

    The Compensation Study and Phase Reviews are an evaluation of our position classifications to make them more administratively efficient, market-driven, and competitive to ensure competitive pay across comparable roles and better assist in attracting and retaining top talent. The goal of these reviews is to compare University of Houston jobs to the same or similar jobs in the market to ensure that UH jobs represent competitive pay levels.
  • How was it determined what jobs would be reviewed in these Phases?

    Phase I: UH review focused on career ladder jobs with more than 100 employees.

    Phase II: UH review focused on the remaining career ladder jobs.

    Phase III: Consultant review will focus on the following (in order of priority);

    Focus 1 – Benefits eligible filled and vacant posted positions not benchmarked in Phase I and Phase II.

    Focus 2 – Career ladder jobs picked up in Phase I and Phase II.

    Focus 3 – Currently unposted positions created and/or vacant within the last three years.

  • When will Phase III start and how long will it take to be completed?

    Human Resources started working with the external consultant in January 2023.  The consultants met with various University Executives to assess current challenges affecting attraction and retention of employees related to compensation. The resulting compensation study includes reviewing about 1,600 jobs and creating a new salary structure. Phase III is slated for completion over a two-year time span beginning in FY24.
  • Will the completed Compensation study result in new pay grade structures?

    Yes, once there new structure is approved, there will be a new salary structure that will reflect current market data.
  • Will HR pause on making job changes during Phase III?

    HR will continue to process hires through Taleo. During this time, reorganizations and reclassifications will not be reviewed until further notice.
  • Was there communication sent to employees about changes as a result of Phase I, Phase II, and Phase III?

    Only impacted employees in Phase I, Phase II, and Phase III received letters from their Divisions regarding the changes made to their jobs.
  • As a result of Phase I, Phase II, and Phase III salary compressions were created between employees and supervisors; when will those issues be addressed?

    HR, in collaboration with Vice Presidents, will work on addressing compression issues as appropriate.
  • Is employee performance considered when these jobs are reviewed?

    This compensation study does not take into consideration employee's performance. These reviews focus on market analysis of the job and duties. The external consultants will review the compensable factors of the job, not how well the job is performed.
  • Why are some employees classified from Non-Exempt (hourly) to Exempt (salaries)?

    The FLSA exemption status was reviewed for all jobs and updated in adherence to the federally required salary and duties guidelines, as necessary. The consultants will take the opportunity to ensure that FLSA exemption status is appropriate.
  • Now that I am an exempt employee, do I receive overtime pay for hours worked over 40?

    Exempt employees do not qualify for overtime.
  • Who is required to use/access Webclock?

    Only employees who are classified as Non-Exempt (hourly) are required to use/access webclock.
  • Will the probationary period change from 6 months to 12 months for probationary employees hired as Non-Exempt and then changed to Exempt?

    Your probationary period will remain the same as establised when employment started.
  • What were the possible outcomes of the Compensation Study review (Phase I and Phase II only)?

    No Change.

    Pay Grade change with salary adjustment.

    Pay Grade change with no salary adjustment.

    Change in FLSA status; i.e. Non-Exempt (hourly) to Exempt (salaries).


  • What were the possible outcomes of the Compensation Study review (Phase III)?

    No Change.

    Salary Adjustment.

    Change in FLSA status; i.e. Non-Exempt (hourly) to Exempt (salaries).


Job Review Process

  • What is the difference between a reclassification and a promotion?

    A reclassification is an audit/review of a position that indicates a significant change in job duties and level of responsibility and can result in a change in the job title and pay grade/level (up or down). It is a job or position (as opposed to an individual) that is reclassified; therefore, the position may be filled or vacant when reclassified. 
    Promotion: advancement with a defined career path.
    A staff member whose position is reclassified to a class having increased responsibilities or complexity of duties and in a higher salary range, and who is eligible to remain in the position, is considered to have been promoted as a result of the reclassification. The staff member’s compensation upon such reclassification will be in accordance with the policy governing promotions.
    Reclassification: A change in a position’s job title and/or grade level based on a significant change in the duties and level of responsibility, as revealed in an audit or review of the job by the Human Resources Department.
    Promotion: A change in duty assignment from one job to a new job in a higher pay grade, which involves a higher level of responsibility and higher job requirements, and usually involves an increase in pay. Generally, promotions are the movement within the same job family or following a defined career path.
  • Can I request a job review for my employee if he or she did not receive a merit increase?

    No, reclassification as a result of a job analysis/evaluation is not an alternative method of increasing an employee's salary.
  • My employee's job duties no longer align with their job description in the system, what should I do?

    • Have the employee complete a JAQ that details the job duties they are currently performing.
    • Forward the JAQ to your Business Office for review and consideration.


  • What is the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)?

    • The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is a federal law that establishes labor standards for public and private sector employers. The law defines a standard work week, establishes a national minimum wage, and establishes parameters for working minors. In addition, the law guarantees overtime for certain positions.
    • The FLSA provides a set of standards to determine which jobs are covered by the act (non-exempt) and which jobs are not covered by (exempt). Non-exempt positions are considered hourly positions and must receive overtime pay or compensatory time for hours worked over 40 in a workweek. Exempt positions are considered salaried positions and do not normally receive additional compensation for overtime work. For more information on FLSA please refer to the US Department of Labor website.
    • If an employee’s duties and pay change, or if the regulations are updated, that person’s FLSA status may change from exempt to non-exempt or from non-exempt to exempt.
  • What are the FLSA guidelines?

    • Current Guidelines (updated in 2019): minimum $692 a week or $36,000 per year.
    • New Guidelines: On April 23, 2024, the DOL issued new guidelines addressing overtime provisions of the FLSA.
      1. July 1, 2024, the new minimum salary threshold is $844 a week or $43,888 per year. An employee paid above the salary can be designated as exempt from overtime requirements.
  • If my FLSA status has changed, may I opt out of this change?

    • The University designates jobs as exempt or nonexempt in accordance with the FLSA guidelines. Any change to pay rates or salary must comply with federal and state laws.
  • How is a job classified as exempt or non-exempt under the FLSA?

    • Jobs classified as Exempt must meet the following criteria:

    Salary Basis test – Employees are paid on a salary basis

    Salary Threshold test- Employees are paid a minimum salary

    Duties test – Primary duties are consistent with standards set by DOL.

    • If any of the three tests are not met, the job must be classified as non-exempt (hourly) and eligible for overtime/compensatory time.
    • It’s important to remember that exempt classification is an option, not a requirement. A position that meets all three test may still be classified as non-exempt (hourly).
  • What are the consequences of misclassifying employees under the FLSA?

    • Misclassifying employees can lead to legal consequences for employers. This may include backpay for unpaid wages, fines, and penalties.
  • When will this change take effect and how will the first payroll work?

    • Employees changing from exempt status to non-exempt status will begin entering hours into P.A.S.S via Web Clock for hours worked beginning on July 1, 2024. Employees will receive their regularly scheduled paycheck on July 1, 2024 for time worked in June 2024.
    • For time worked July 1st – 2nd employees will receive their paycheck on July 12, 2024. For time worked July 3rd – July 16, 2024, employees will receive their paycheck on July 26, 2024.
  • How will my insurance premiums and contributions be deducted?

    • Deductions such as insurance will be split evenly between two bi-weekly paychecks.
  • What does a typical work week look like?

    • A typical work week is 40 hours of regular time worked between Wednesday through Tuesday. An employee may use available leave accruals (vacation and sick leave) or available Compensatory or Equivalent time to make up the 40 hours in a work week when they do not physically work 40 regular hours.
    • Per university policy, normal office hours shall be 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
    • Regular, full-time staff employees are required to work a minimum of 40 hours per week unless on paid leave status. Part-time and temporary employees are expected to work those hours designated by the employing department as necessary to fulfill the requirements of their position. Such hours of work shall be consistent with the FTE of the position.
  • If an employee has more than one job, can they have more than one FLSA status designation?

    • Under FLSA all work done for the employer is taken into account to determine whether an employee is exempt or non-exempt.
  • Does overtime/Comp time have to be approved in advance?

    • The supervisor must provide prior approval for a non-exempt employee to work overtime. All worked time, must be compensated. Supervisors facing scenarios in which an employee works unapproved time, should speak to their assigned Sr. HR Business Partner for guidance.
  • Additional Information

    A list of federal Frequently Asked Questions regarding the rule can also be found on the Department of Labor website.