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Faculty Accolades

  • Dr. Dustin Maneethai has received a paper acceptance notification from the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management for his paper, entitled "The Impact of corporate social responsibility on employee outcomes in the Hospitality Industry: A multi-motive and cross-cultural meta-analysis." Maneethai wrote this paper with co-authors Dr. Alberto Beiza, a former Ph.D. student and Frankie Torres, a Ph.D. student. Their findings highlight how Corporate Social Responsibility in the Hospitality industry enhances employee performance through underlying psychological mechanisms, with implications for theory and practice.
  • Dr. Ningqiao Li has received a paper acceptance notification from the Journal of Travel Research for the publication entitled "The Distorted Gaze? Travel Photo Editing in the Social Media Era". Photo editing has emerged as a common practice among tourists when documenting experiences and sharing photos on social media. Examining this understudied phenomenon, the following study explores the motivations behind travelers’ photo-editing behavior and their perceptions on authenticity. The findings illustrate that authenticity becomes less critical than the travelers’ own visual pleasure, self-image management, and social conformity/compliments from their social media audience.
  • Dr. Ki-Joon Back has received a paper acceptance notification from the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality for a manuscript he worked on with Dr. Faye Hao, a former post-doctoral student and Dean Kaye Chon at Hong Kong Polytechnic University, entitled "Age-Inclusive Hospitality and Tourism: Navigating the Metaverse Travel with Avatar". The study investigates the impact of virtual tours on the engagement and travel intentions of older adults, emphasizing the role or emotional and informative content. Their findings suggest that developing avatar-based virtual tours tailored to meet specific needs could create more accessible and satisfying tourism experiences.
  • Dr. Juan Madera has received a publication acceptance notification from the International Journal of Hospitality Management for a project he worked on with his colleagues, entitled "Lookism in hospitality and tourism workplaces: A multilevel review and research agenda". The study developed a framework that explains the factors contributing to this issue, such as individual biases, job roles, organizational policies and the broader legal environment. Their research indicated that while there are no formal policies promoting lookism, individual hiring managers may still discriminated based on their own biases.
  • Dr. Juan Madera has earned a $4.5 million grant from the National Science Foundation for a project he worked on with his colleagues, entitled "Center for Equity in Faculty Advancement (CEFA): Identifying and Eliminating Systemic Racism in Promotion and Tenure Processes". Through this project, CEFA will expand theoretical models to better explain why, how, and when P&T processes result in bias against underrepresented minority (URM) faculty in STEM disciplines and test evidence-based structural and policy pathways to eliminate racist structures and bias in P&T against STEM URM faculty. 
  • Dr. Juan Madera has received a publication acceptance from the Journal of Business and Psychology for his paper entitled "When Words Matter: Communal and Agentic Language on Men and Women's Resumes". The study highlights that gender disparity in the form of unequal pay and underrepresentation of women in leadership positions and STEM fields still exists today. Findings suggest that women use more communal language than do men when writing about themselves on their resumes, which can negatively impact perceived leadership ability and hireability.
  • Dr. Minwoo Lee has received three publication acceptance notifications. The Journal of Smart Tourism accepted the paper Lee coauthored, entitled " From Machine Learning Algorithms to Superior Customer Experience: Business Implications of Machine Learning-Driven Data Analytics in the Hospitality Industry". The Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology accepted the paper Lee coauthored, entitled "Tourism live streamers as brand ambassadors: investigating their impact on destination brand value through social exchange theory". And finally, the Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research accepted the paper Lee coauthored, entitled "Travelers with disabilities: How online information search reduces uncertainty about service accessibility in hospitality and tourism".
  • Dr. Juan Madera has received a publication acceptance from Nature Human Behavior and is being featured on Forbes for his paper, entitled "Underrepresented Minority Faculty in the U.S. Face Double Standard in Promotion and Tenure Decisions". The study highlights challenges that underrepresented minority (URM) faculty face in many domains of academia from university admissions to grant applications. Data from five US universities on 1,571 faculty members’ promotion and tenure decisions shows that URM faculty received 7% more negative votes and were 44% less likely to receive unanimous votes from P&T committees. Results support the double standard hypothesis.
  • Drs. Sujata Sirsat and Juan Madera and former Ph.D. students Dr. Karla Acosta, Dr. Heyao “Chandler” Yu, Thomas Little and Ali Khan, have received publication acceptance from Journal of Food Protection. Their paper, entitled "Food Safety Exam Phrasing for Food Service Employees", investigated the effect of the readability, or the ease in which one can read and comprehend written text, of food handler exam questions on exam performance. The results indicate that improved readability had a significant difference in the personal hygiene section but not on the basic food safety section.
  • Dr. Mohamed Mohamed has received a publication acceptance from Tourism and Hospitality Research for the paper he co-authored, entitled "Food Sharing in Tourism: A Comparative Analysis of U.S. and Chinese Perspectives". His study explores the influence of dining styles on the outcomes of tourists' food experiences. The findings demonstrate that when tourists share food, it positively affects their interpersonal connections, their perception of authenticity, and their subjective wellbeing. These results contribute to our theoretical understanding of convivial dining outcomes and social dynamics during travel. They also offer insights to destinations on how to design and provide food-sharing experiences that cater to tourists' social and wellness needs while leveraging the unique aspects of their food-sharing cultures.
  • Dr. Priyanko Guchait has received a publication acceptance, alongside former Ph.D. students Huy Gip and Maxime Wang, from the International Journal of Hospitality Management (SSCI). This notification was for their paper, entitled "Exploring the impact of abusive supervision on employee approaches to managing service errors and failures: Examining the effects of hope and optimism, and service tenure". Their study explores that leadership in the form of abusive supervision will be more detrimental to subordinates' hope and optimism, due to the loss of accumulated resources for those who have increased service tenure, thereby lowering their ability to alleviate and successfully manage service failures/errors.
  • Dr. Jaewook Kim and former Ph.D. students, Dr. Sung in Kim and Dr. Wenfang Eris Liu, have received a publication acceptance from the Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing. This notification was for their paper, entitled "P2P Host Brand Management: Conceptualization and Utilization with a Consumer Behavioral Economic Approach". Their study is comprised of two main objectives: 1) defining the P2P brand concept and 2) examining the impact of host branding on consumer behavior. Through these explorations, they bridge research gaps and address misconceptions amongst users of P2P platforms.
  • Dr. Dustin Maneethai has received a publication acceptance from the Journal of Industrial-Organizational Psychology (IOP) for the paper he co-authored, entitled "Making Selection Tests Work Better for Disabled Job Applicants". Their findings present that overall, there is a significant opportunity to improve selection tests for disabled job applicants, addressing the current shortcomings. The study highlights how rater effects may diminish the efficacy of selection instruments. Scientists and practitioners involved in the selection process should explore both employer and applicant solutions to reduce these negative impacts on performance ratings for disabled applicants.
  • Dr. Tiffany S. Legendre and her research team have received a publication acceptance from the British Food Journal for the paper entitled "Feasibility of Adopting Imperfect Produce in On-site Foodservice: Expert Opinions and Consumer Sensory Discrimination". The research aimed to investigate the feasibility of imperfect produce use in the on-site food service management industry. The findings of this study suggested that psychological barriers to using imperfect produce exist in managers’ perceptions and decision-making processes
  • Drs. Koon Koh and Agnes DeFranco have received a publication acceptance from the International Journal of Hospitality Management for their paper entitled "African American Style Project Pitches in Business Fundraising: Strategies for African American Entrepreneurs". Their work indicated a challenge African American restaurateurs face is limited access to capital and crowdfunding. Studies show this gap results from their distinctive and, at times, unfavorable linguistic traits when fundraising. 
  • Drs. Dustin Maneethai, Juan Madera and PhD candidate Alberto Beiza have received a publication acceptance from the International Journal of Hospitality Management for their paper entitled "How Gendered Language Emerges in Applicant Materials and Leadership Descriptions in the Hospitality Industry: A Text Analysis Study." Their research explored gender gap in leadership positions within the industry. 
  • Dr. Priyanko Guchait has received a publication acceptance from the International Journal of Hospitality Management for their paper entitled "For my eyes only: The effect of supervisor nosiness on knowledge sharing behavior among restaurant workers." 
  • Drs. Priyanko Guchait and Juan Madera have received a publication acceptance from the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management for their paper entitled "Perceived inclusion climate for leader diversity: Conceptualization and scale development." Their study explored employees' perceptions of an inclusive culture, particularly in relation to practices that encourage acceptance of demographically diverse leaders.
  • Drs. Minwoo Lee and Ki-Joon Back have received a publication acceptance from the Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing for their paper entitled "The two sides of hotel green practices in customer experience: An integrated approach of the Kano model and business analytics." Their findings identify different hotel green practices and examine their impact on customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction.
  • Drs. Jaewook Kim and Yook Koh published "Application of natural resource-based view to nature-based tourism destinations" in a Sustainability journal. Their study investigated the impact of natural environments on tourism destinations, specifically detailing the accessibility to beaches and environmental quality aspects, such as temperature, air quality, water quality, etc. on tourism businesses. They found that hotels close to beaches earn higher revenues and higher revenue per available room.
  • Minwoo Lee and his team have received a publication acceptance from the International Journal of Wine Business Research for their paper titled "Forecasting the Mexican craft beer market: An integrated approach of conjoint analysis and market simulation with price and product attributes." Their findings assume that consumers' preferences and willingness to pay in Mexico, with a cutting-edge market research technique combining the prioritization of the most preferred craft beer characteristics, and the price consumers are willing to pay for such product characteristics.
  • Dr. Mohamed Mohamed and his team have received a publication acceptance from Tourism Management Perspectives for his paper, entitled "Visitors' and non-visitors' destination food images: How do they vary in Egypt?" His research captures the variations between food images among visitors and non-visitors to Egypt. The results will aid in destination brand building and recognition.
  • Dr. Jaewook Kim, Eris Wenfang Liu, a current Ph.D. student, Sung in Kim, a Hilton College BS and MS alumna and Jiyeon Jeon have received three publication acceptances: "Airbnb purchase intentions: How familiarity and social media impacts Millennials" published in the Journal of Global Hospitality and Tourism, "Effects of environmental sustainability practice in the economy hotel to Gen Zer’s purchase decision: Behavior economy approach using choice-based conjoint analysis" published in the International Journal of Hospitality Management and "Customers' Cue Utilization in Delivery Restaurant Selection and Its Changes with Different Health Risks" published in the Cornell Hospitality Quarterly.
  • Tucker Johnson has published an opinion piece, entitled "Thoughts on the CoStar Class Action Lawsuit" on The piece details the class action lawsuit against CoStar, STR, Hilton, Hyatt, IHG, Lowes, Marriott and Accor for alleging price-fixing in luxury markets as well as Johnson's analysis of its strong and weak points, with ample focus on STR, a subsidiary of CoStar.
  • Dr. Tiffany S. Legendre and her team have received a publication acceptance from the Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research for her paper, entitled “Biophilic Urban Hotel Design and Restorative Experiencescapes.” Her research promotes that hotels can benefit from including natural elements for their leisure travelers and businesses, based on Stress Recovery Theory (SRT). These elements allow guests to feel relaxed, energized and have mind clarity, thus reducing their anxiety and stress.

  • Dean Dennis Reynolds has co-authored a chapter in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Robot Applications in Hospitality Businesses, a new book assembled by Dr. Rachel Fu and published by Kendall Hunt. His chapter, "Do Robotics Enhance the Restaurant-Guest Experience?" provides a general understanding of how service robots are utilized in the restaurant industry and details their influences on service quality and customer notifications.
  • Dr. Juan Madera and his research team have received a publication acceptance notification from Cornell Hospitality Quarterly and UH Small Grants Program for their paper, entitled "When Leaders Self-Sacrifice in Times of Crisis: The Roles of Employee Emotional Suppression and Leader Coping Strategies.” The research conveys the importance of self-sacrificial leadership during a crisis, and details how leadership styles and personal traits interact, shaping both leadership success and company reputation.

  • Dr. Priyanko Guchait and his research team's article titled “Coworker Support in a Sexual Harassment Climate: A Conservation of Resources Perspective” will be published in the International Journal of Hospitality Management (SSCI). The article investigates the impact of the sexual harassment climate on employees' emotional exhaustion and employee engagement. Theoretical and practical implications are also discussed.
  • Minwoo Lee has received a publication notification from the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology for his paper, entitled “Embracing the ChatGPT Revolution: Unlocking New Horizons for tourism.” The study examines associated risks with ChatGPT, including privacy risk, accuracy risk, and overreliance risk, on tourists’ behavioral intention.

  • Minwoo Lee has received a publication notification from the Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services for his paper entitled “Power of agglomeration on electronic word-of-mouth in the restaurant industry: Exploring the moderation role of review quality difference.” This study examines the impact of electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) by merging the agglomeration theory's information value concept with the transparency theory. It also underscores the importance of high-quality reviews in offsetting the negative effects of geographical proximity, offering valuable insights into eWOM dynamics in the restaurant sector.

  • Drs. Tiffany S. Legendre, Ki-Joon Back, and former Ph.D. student Anni Ding have received a publication acceptance notification from the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management for their article titled “A Bibliometric Analysis of the Hospitality and Tourism Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Literature.” The article discusses ESG, CSR, and the ESG framework. The findings also underscore the need to clarify ESG concepts and address significant gaps in hospitality and tourism literature, prompting future research endeavors. 
  • Dr. Tiffany Legendre and Dr. Ki-Joon Back have recieved a publication notification for their paper, entitled "A Bibliometric Analysis of the Hospitality and Tourism Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Literature" from Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management.

  • Dr. Minwoo Lee has recieved a publication notification from Pacific Asai Journal of the Association for Information Systems for his manuscript, entitled "Customers’ Continued Adoption of Mobile Apps and Their Satisfaction with Restaurants: The Case of McDonald’s".

  • "Organizational Strategies for Enhancing LGBTQ+ Employee Well-Being", authored by Dr. Dustin Maneethai and co-authored by Dr. Juan Madera, has recently been accepted for publication in the Journal of Occupational Health Science. The study focuses on the mental health of LGBTQ+ employees and proposes methods for creating a supportive organizational climate with positive impacts on them.

  • Dr. Jason Draper has received publication confirmation from the Journal of Travel Research for an article co-authored with his research team titled "Bridging Theory and Practice: An Examination of How Event-Tourism Research Aligns with UN Sustainable Development Goals." In addition to offering a systematic review and bibliometric analysis, the article proposes practical solutions for the future. 

  • Dr. Jason Draper's paper, entitled "Bridging theory and practice: An examination of how event-tourism research aligns with UN Sustainable Development Goals", has recieved a publication acceptance notice from Journal of Travel Research. 

  • Two research papers authored by Dr. Tiffany Legendre and her research teams have been accepted for publication in the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research and Tourism Analysis. The first paper, titled “Operational Transparency as a Service Design: An Investigation on Labor/Effort Observation Effect,” explores the impact of open kitchen design in restaurants on consumers' gratitude towards restaurant workers. It also investigates ways to enhance consumers' perception of value evaluation and intention to make a purchase. The second paper, titled “The State of ESG Disclosure: An Exploration of Stakeholders and Sustainability Materiality,” examines the ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) disclosure status of the top 50 global hospitality and tourism companies.

  • Dr. Tiffany Legendre has received a publication acceptance notice from the Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research for her paper, entitled "Operational Transparency as a service design: An Investigation on labor/effort observation effect". She has also received an additional publication acceptance notice from Tourism Analysis on her paper, entitled "The State of ESG Disclosure: An Exploration of stakeholders and sustainability materiality". 

  • Dr. Priyanko Guchait has received acceptance from the International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration for the article titled “The Differential Effects of Leader Food Safety Priority and Ethical Leadership on Food Safety Promotive and Prohibitive Voices: A Socially Desirable Responding Theory Perspective,” co-authored by Chandler Yu, Jennet Achyldurdyyeva, and Aysin Psamehmetoglu. The research aims to investigate the differential effects of leader food safety priority on various aspects.

  • Three manuscripts on SARS-CoV-2 surrogates have been accepted for publication in the Journal of Environmental Health. These articles were authored by Drs. Zahra Mohammad and Sujata Sirsat, along with Mr. Thomas Little. The titles of the articles are as follows: “Coronavirus Surrogate Persistence and Cross-Contamination on Food Service Operation Fomites,” “Enveloped Phi6 Bacteriophage Persistence and Cross-Contamination on Farmers Market Fomite Surfaces,” and “Persistence and Transfer of Enveloped Phi 6 Bacteriophage on Hotel Guest Room Surfaces.”

  • Dr. Juan Madera has recieved a publication notice for his paper, entitled "Disability Employment in the Hospitality Industry: A Systematic Literature Review" by Cornell Hospitality Quarterly. His other paper, entitled "External Review Letters in Academic Promotion and Tenure Decisions are Reflective of Reviewer Characteristics", has recieved a publication notice by Research Policy, a Finanical Times Top 50 journal. 
  • Dr. Minwoo Lee and his team in Canada and South Korea have received publication acceptance from the Journal of Smart Tourism for their article titled “Factors Influencing Post-Adoption Resistance to Self-Order Kiosks at Fast-Food Restaurants: A Focus on the New-Silver Generation.” This article discusses how the New-Silver generation perceives and uses the kiosk and identifies major resistance factors using researched models.

  • Dr. Christopher Taylor and his former student, Dr. Cortney Norris, have been notified of the acceptance of their publication by the International Journal of Hospitality Management. Their article, titled “Is Tipping Simply a Game? The Application of Game Theory to Restaurant Tipping Behavior,” explores the relationship between servers and customers in terms of the factors within the service exchange relationship that influence desired tip amounts.

  • Discover the intricacies of on-farm produce safety practices in the vibrant context of Lone Star state and explore authors’ suggested solutions in "On-Farm Produce Safety Practices Assessment in Texas." Authored by Doctoral Student Alberto A. Beiza, recent master student Zhihong Lin, and Dr. Sujata A. Sirsat, this study is featured in the Journal Food Protection Trends.

  • In "Diversity and Inclusion in Hospitality and Tourism: Bridging the Gap Between Employee and Customer Perspectives" by Dr. Juan Madera, published in the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, the research offers organizations valuable insights to enhance the diversity initiatives and enrich the experiences of all stakeholders in the sector.

  • The Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research has just released an acceptance announcement to Drs. Je’Anna Abbott, Minwoo Lee, former Ph.D. student Heykyung Park, and their group co-author for the article titled “Generative Artificial Intelligence in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry: Developing a Framework for Future Research.” The authors investigate AI and develop a framework for future research in hospitality and tourism.

  • A paper titled “Defining and Establishing a Restaurant Wine Culture,” authored by Drs. Christopher Taylor, Mary Dawson, Dennis Reynolds, and former Ph.D. student Michelle Russen, has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. The study defines and presents methods for crafting restaurant strategies aimed at establishing a wine culture.

  • The International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management (IJCHM) has accepted for publication an article written by Drs. Mary Dawson, Juan M. Madera, and JéAnna Abbott, titled “Leadership Inclusion Theory: A grounded theory study on hotel executives.” The co-authors of this paper include Dr. Miranda Kitterlin-Lynch and former Ph.D. student, Michelle Russen. The paper explores how to develop an inclusive atmosphere, establish equitable practices, and increase diversity within an organization.

  • Dr. Christopher Taylor and his research team, Drs. Scott Taylor and Cortney L. Norris, have received a publication acceptance notification from the Cornell Hospitality Quarterly for their article titled “Competition in the Beer Industry – From Pipe Dream to Reality: Exploring the Potential Impacts of Executive Order 14036.” The article discusses the impact of regulations on the industry and proposes future research needs.

  • Drs. Jason Draper, Juan M. Madera, and Christopher Taylor, along with their co-author, former Ph.D. student Yi “Vanessa” Liu, have received publication acceptance from the International Journal of Event and Festival Management for their article titled “Parents' Attending Status and Alcohol Consumption on Family Cohesion and Satisfaction at Leisure Art Festivals.” The research explores the effects of parents' alcohol consumption during festivals, highlighting significant differences among the researched groups.

  • The Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes has announced the publication of an article written by Dr. John Bowen, titled “Novel Trends Challenging Tourism.” Elizabeth Whalen is a co-author of this paper. The article explores various novel trends and their impacts on the hospitality industry. Additionally, the paper proposes suggestions to minimize these effects.

  • Dr. Carl Boger and his research team, along with two Master students, Annette Goh and Jarelyn Dunmars, and co-author Berkita Bradford, have received a publication acceptance notification from the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Education for their article titled 'Racial Hospitality Faculty Inclusion: Does It Even Matter?' The research study explores the racial composition of hospitality faculty members and compares it against the composition of undergraduate students. 

  • Dr. Juan Madera has received acceptance announcements for two research papers. The first paper, titled “Disability Employment in the Hospitality Industry: A Systematic Literature Review,” has been accepted by the Cornell Hospitality Quarterly. This study enhances our understanding of disability employment in the hospitality sector through a systematic literature review and outlines five gaps in the existing research, paving the way for future investigations. The second paper, titled “External Review Letters in Academic Promotion and Tenure Decisions are Reflective of Reviewer Characteristics,” has been accepted by the Research Policy. This research delves into the relationship between External Review Letters (ERLs) and Promotion and Tenure (P&T) decisions, offering valuable insights and recommendations for future research applications.Drs. Minjung Shin and Tiffany Legendre, along with co-authors Ph.D. student Rachel Hyunkyung Lee and Jihye Min, have received publication acceptance from Psychology & Marketing for their article titled “Connecting nature with luxury service.”

  • Dr. Minjung Shin has received publication acceptance from the Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research for her article titled “When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Lemonade: Post-COVID Marketing Strategy to Motivate Travel by Triggering Traveler’s Inaction Regret.”

  • Dr. Priyanko Guchait and Ph.D. student Huy “Robert” Gip have received publication acceptance from the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management for their article titled “Competition or collaboration for human-robot relationship: a critical reflection on future cobotics in hospitality.” Co-authors include Do Khoa and Chen-Ya Wang. 

  • The International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management has accepted for publication an article written by Dr. Minwoo Lee titled “Assessing Brand Performance Consistency from consumer-generated media: the U.S. hotel industry.” The co-authors of this paper include Miyoung Jeong, Haejo Haily Shin, and Jongseo Lee.

  • Dr. Juan M. Madera has recently published two invited papers. The first was published in the Chronicle of Higher Education and is titled “Promotion rejected? Your record may not be the problem.” Based on findings from his NSF grant, the article details biases in the promotion and tenure process and is co-authored with C. Spitzmuller, E. Henderson, M. Penn-Marshall, and C. Werner. Dr. Madera’s second article, “From psychology to Hospitality: My Journey as a Professor in a Hospitality Management Program,” is published in the Boston Hospitality Review.

  • The Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research has accepted a paper titled “Is Hotel Technology a Double-edged Sword on Customer Experience? A Mixed-method Approach using Big Data” written by Ph.D. student Hyekyung Park. Her co-authors are Drs. Minwoo Lee, Ki-Joon Back and Agnes  DeFranco.

  • Dr. Tiffany Legendre has received publication acceptance notification from the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management (SSCI) for her article titled “Brand betrayal and moral judgment: Consumers’ responses to M&A of local foodservice brands.” Her co-authors are former Ph.D. student Chandler Yu and Inhaeng Jung.

  • The Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism has accepted a paper written by Dr. Priyanko Guchait and Ph.D. student Huy “Robert” Gip titled “How Authentic leadership cultivates trust and desirable workplace behaviors in Hotels: Commitment and leader-follower value congruence matters.” Co-authors include Taylor Peyton and Aysin Pasamehmetoglu.

  • Dr. Yoon Koh, along with her former Ph.D. student Yue Vaughan, have received publication notification from Tourism Economics for their paper titled “Better Connected Boards and Their Influence on Corporate Social Responsibility: Evidence from the US Restaurant Industry."

  • Dr. John Bowen, along with co-authors Robert C. Ford and Stacey Yates,” has received publication notification from the International Journal of Tourism Cities for his paper titledExecuting a destination branding strategy: Louisville Tourism’s Urban Bourbon Trail."

  • Drs. Tiffany Legendre and Juan M. Madera, along with Ph.D. student Anni Ding and former Ph.D. student Chandler Yu, have received publication acceptance notification from the International Journal of Hospitality Management (SSCI) for their article titledBoycotting Asian Restaurants: The Effect of Mortality Salience, Contagion Name, and Media Exposure on Boycotting.” 

  • Former Ph.D. students Yun “Yvonne” Yang and Sung In Kim and their faculty mentors, Drs. Jaewook Kim and Yoon Koh, have received publication acceptance from the International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration. Their paper is titled “How Airbnb Titles Influence Guests’ Decision making: Linguistic and Spatial Analysis Approach."

  • Dr. Sujata Sirsat’s research team – former Ph.D. student Chandler Yu, current master’s student Andrea Lin and Dr. Jay Neal – has received publication notification from Foods for their paper titled “Consumers’ knowledge and handling practices associated with fresh-cut produce in the United States.”

  • Ph.D. students Anni Ding and Rachel Hyunkyung Lee and their faculty advisors, Drs. Tiffany Legendre and Juan M. Madera, have received publication acceptance from the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management (SSCI) for their paper titled “Anthropomorphism in Hospitality and Tourism: A Systematic Review and Agenda for Future Research.”

  • Ph.D. student Huy “Robert” Gip and his faculty advisor Dr. Priyanko Guchait have had their paper titled “How organizational dehumanization impacts hospitality employees service recovery performance and sabotage behaviors: the role of psychological well-being and tenure” accepted for publication by the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. Gip is the lead author.

  • The Journal of Environmental Health has accepted a paper titled “Exploring Foodborne Illness and Restaurant Cleanliness Reporting in Customer-Generated Online Reviews Using Business Analytics,” which is co-authored by a research team led by former master’s student Jack Hodges. Jack was mentored by Drs. Sujata Sirsat, Minwoo Lee and Agnes DeFranco as part of the PURS (Provost’s Undergraduate Research Scholarship) program. 

  • The Journal of Agriculture and Food Research has accepted a manuscript co-authored by Dr. Sujata Sirsat and her research team, which was led by Dr. Zahra Mohammad and also includes instructional designer Isa do Prado, former master’s student Maggie Cai and current Ph.D. student Alberto Beiza. Titled “Designing a Comprehensive Agricultural Water Testing Laboratory Database for Growers in the State of Texas,” their study was funded by the Food and Drug Administration and Texas Department of Agriculture as part of a Cooperative Grant Agreement.

  • The International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management has accepted a paper titled “Labor shortage solution: Redefining hospitality through digitization” co-authored by Drs. Cristian Morosan and John Bowen.

  • Adjunct Professor Gregg Rockett, along with co-author Shannon Rinella, has had an article titled “What We Wish We Knew Before Becoming Adjuncts: The Hard Truths – and Rewards – of Crossing Over from Industry to Academia” published in the Inspiring Minds series of Harvard Business Publishing Education.

  • Dr. Mary Dawson, Dr. Priyanko Guchait, former Ph.D. student Michelle Russen, X. Wang, and A. Pasamehmetoglu have co-authored a paper titled “Hospitality Organizational Culture: Impact on Employee’s Job Satisfaction, Organizational Citizenship Behaviors, Service Recovery Performance, and Intention to Leave,” which has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism.

  • Adjunct professor Gregg Rockett’s paper titled “How Three Global Hospitality Companies Led With a Clear Vision” has been published in a special edition on leadership in the Boston Hospitality Review. 

  • Dr. Priyanko Guchait, former Ph.D. student Maxime Wang and Yoohee Hwang have received publication acceptance notification from the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management (SSCI) for their paper titled “When observers of customer incivility revisit the restaurant: Roles of relationship closeness and norms.”

  • Dr. Priyanko Guchait and his student research team have received publication acceptance notification from the Journal of Service Management for their paper titled “Empathetic creativity for frontline employees in the age of service robots: conceptualization and scale development.” His student co-authors include visiting student scholar Do The Khoa, Ph.D. student Huy “Robert” Hip and undergraduate student Eliane Baaklini, who worked on the project as part of her SURF grant.

  • Dean Dennis Reynolds has received publication confirmation from the Journal of Foodservice Business Research for his article titled “Wine menu design: An investigation using brain-computer interface technology.”  

  • Dr. Minwoo Lee has received publication acceptance from the Service Industry Journal (SSCI) for his paper titled “Detecting Fake Reviews with Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms.” This work will be published in the special issue of Automated Forms of Interaction in Services: Current Trends, Benefits, and Challenges.

  • Dr. Cristian Morosan’s solo paper, titled “Examining the impact of contact reducing technology on food purchasing during the pandemic,” has been accepted for publication by the Journal of Foodservice Business Research.

  • Drs. JéAnna Abbott, Juan M. Madera and Mary Dawson, along with former Ph.D. student Renata Guzzo, have received publication acceptance notification from the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management for their paper titled “CSR Influence on Job Pursuit Intentions: Perspectives From the Lodging Industry.”

  • Ph.D. students Cortney Norris and Michelle Russen, along with co-author Dr. Scott Taylor Jr., have had their paper titled “Expanding the Experiential Value Scale to Predict Independent Restaurant Dining Intent” accepted for publication by the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights.

  •  Dr. Zeya He has received publication acceptance from the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management for her paper titled “Pride or empathy? Exploring effective CSR communication strategies on social media.” Her co-authors include Stephanie Liu, Bo Ferns and Cary Countryman.  

  • Dr. Priyanko Guchait, along with co-authors that include former Ph.D. student Renata Guzzo, have received publication acceptance notification from the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management (SSCI) for their paper titled “Workplace Ostracism: Impact on Social Capital, Organizational Trust, and Service Recovery Performance.” 

  • A paper titled “Craft beer consumption: the roles of motivation and personal involvement,” written by Dean Dennis Reynolds and his co-authors, has been accepted for publication by the International Journal of Hospitality Beverage Management.

  • Drs. Minwoo Lee and JéAnna Abbott, along with former Ph.D. student Renata Guzzo, have received publication acceptance notification from the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management for their paper titled “How CSR and well-being affect work-related outcomes: a hospitality industry perspective.” 

  • Ph.D. student Robert Gip has had his first paper as lead author accepted for publication by the Service Industries Journal (SSCI). Written with co-author Dr. Priyanko Guchait, the paper is titled “Employee mindfulness and creativity: when emotions and national culture matter.”  

  • Dr. Zeya He, along with her co-authors, has had two papers accepted for publication. The first is titled “Building Organizational Resilience with Digital Transformation” and will be published in the Journal of Service Management. The second, accepted by the International Journal of Hospitality Management, is titled “Tech-touch balance in the service encounter: The impact of supplementary human service on consumer responses.”

  • The Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology awarded its 2022 Paper of the Year to Drs. Minwoo Lee, Minjung Shin and Ki-Joon Back. Their former Ph.D. students, Jiseon Ahn and Wooseok Kwon, also contributed to this winning paper titled “Integrating technology to service innovation: Key issues and future research directions in hospitality and tourism."

  • Dr. Priyanko Guchait’s paper titled “Hospitality Employees’ Affective Experience of Shame, Self-Efficacy Beliefs and Job Behaviors: The Alleviating Role of Error Tolerance” has been accepted for publication by the International Journal of Hospitality Management (SSCI).   

  • Dr. Yoon Koh, along with her former Ph.D. student Amanda Belarmino and former master's student Hailey Shin, have had their paper titled “Blurred lines: Comparing room rates, star-ratings, and user-generated contents for full-service and select-service hotels” accepted for publication in Service Business (SSCI).

  • The International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management has accepted a paper written by Dr. Yoon Koh and her Ph.D. student Yvonne Yang titled “Is restaurant crowdfunding immune to the COVID-19 pandemic?”  

  • Dr. Deepu Kurian has received publication notification from the European Journal of Training and Development for a paper titled "Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility, and the role of Human Resources Development: The Academic Experts View." His co-authors are colleagues from Texas A&M University.
  • Dr. Jaewook Kim, along with his co-authors, has received two publication acceptance notifications. The first, to be published in the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, is titled “Changes in the effect of credence cues on restaurant delivery service under different health risks. The second, titled “What Factors Affect Entrepreneurial Intention in Sharing Accommodations? The Application of Entrepreneurial Event Model,” will be published in the Journal of Global Hospitality and Tourism.

  • The Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research (SSCI) has accepted a paper written by Dr. Tiffany Legendre and her co-author Yunsik Kim titled “The Effects of Employer Branding on Value Congruence and Brand Love.”

  • Dr. Yoon Koh and her co-author and former Ph.D. student Amanda Belamino have received publication acceptance notification from Tourism Management Perspectives for their manuscript titled “Can peer-to-peer accommodations act as lodging stepping-stone for mega-events?"

  • Dr. Priyanko Guchait, along with former Ph.D. student Maxime Wang and YooHee Hwang, has received acceptance notification from the International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration for their paper titledWhen Robot (vs. Human) Employees Say ‘Sorry’ Following Service Failure.” 

  • Dr. Cristian Morosan’s paper titled “An Affective Approach to Modelling Intentions to Use Technologies for Social Distancing in Hotels” has been accepted for publication in the Information Technology and Tourism Journal

  • Former Ph.D. student Vanessa Liu, Dr. Jason Draper and Associate Dean Mary Dawson received paper acceptance notification from the Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education for their paper titled “The relationship between work experience and career expectations: Career decision-making self-efficacy as mediator.”

  • Dr. Sujata Sirsat has secured funds from the Agricultural Research and Economic Development Program to support her ongoing research. This $64,430 grant will fund essential studies aimed at enhancing produce safety in Texas.

  • Dr. Scott Taylor Jr. and Ph.D. student Cortney Norris have received publication acceptance from Foodservice Business Research for their article titled “Do Local Craft Beers Taste Better? An Investigation into the Halo Effect.”

  • Dr. Tiffany Legendre’s article titled “Credit card churning customers, Endowed loyalty, and Protestant work ethic” has been accepted for publication in the Service Industries Journal.

  • Drs. Yoon Koh and Agnes DeFranco have received notification from the Cornell Hospitality Quarterly that their paper, “Inclusion of Condominium Units in Luxury Hotels as a Diversification Strategy: Property Performance Perspective," has been accepted for publication. Their co-authors are former master’s students Piyush Prem and Ben Love.

  • Instructional Assistant Professor Simone Doudna and Dr. Cristian Morosan have been awarded funding from the Provost’s office for their Teaching Innovation Proposal titled “Impacting first-year students’ success through interactive videos.”

  • Post-doctoral fellow Zahra Mohammad, Dr. Sujata Sirsat and undergraduate student Isabella Raschke have received notice from the Journal of Food Protection that their paper, titled “Safety and Quality of Romaine Lettuce Accessible to Low Socioeconomic Populations Living in Houston, TX,” has been accepted for publication.

  • Dr. Juan M. Madera, one of Hilton College’s most prolific researchers, a gifted teacher and a mentor to junior faculty and doctoral students, has been named the Curtis L. Carlson Endowed Professor.

  • Dr. Juan M. Madera’s paper, “Supporting the productivity and wellbeing of remote workers: Lessons from COVID-19," has been accepted for publication by the journal Organizational Dynamics. His co-authors are Tom George, Leanne Atwater and Dustin Maneethai. 

  • The International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration has notified doctoral candidate Cortney Norris, along with co-authors Drs. Scott Taylor Jr. and Chris Taylor, that their manuscript titled “The Rise of Craft Distilleries and Their Consumer Segments” has been accepted for publication.

  • Drs. Juan M. Madera and Chris Taylor have been recognized with the Best Paper of the Year Award from the Cornell Hospitality Quarterly. Their paper, titled “Customer Service Evaluations of Employees With Disabilities: The Roles of Perceived Competence and Service Failure," was selected based on multiple factors, including citations, number of downloads and overall quality. 

  • Dr. Juan M. Madera, along with co-authors former Ph.D. student Lindsey Lee, Ceridwyn King, Tom Baum, David Solnet and Enrique Murillo, has received publication notice from the Journal of Business Research for his paper titledReimagining attraction and retention of hospitality management talent– a multilevel identity perspective." 

  • Dr. Minwoo Lee has received publication acceptance notification from the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management (SSCI) for an article titled “Current Status of CSR Practices in the Casino Industry: A Comparison between the U.S. and Macau.” His co-authors are Dr. Seoki Lee, Xueting Zhai and Dr. Qiuju Luo.

  • Drs. Minwoo Lee and John Bowen, along with their former Ph.D. student Dr. Wooseok Kwon, have received publication acceptance notification from the Cornell Hospitality Quarterly (SSCI) for their article titled “Exploring Customers’ Luxury Consumption in Restaurants: A Combined Method of Topic Modeling and Three-Factor Theory.”

  • Dr. Minwoo Lee’s first solo paper, titled “Evolution of hospitality and tourism technology research from Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology: A computer-assisted qualitative data analysis,” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology (SSCI). 

  • Drs. Minwoo Lee, Jaewook Kim and Agnes DeFranco have published a new paper in the Boston Hospitality Review titled “Efficiency: The Next Frontier of Hotel Revenue Management.”

  • Instructional Assistant Professor Simone Doudna has written a chapter called “Holistic Practicum Integration and Development of Soft Skillsfor the new open-access textbook titled Practical Learning in Hospitality Education, Lianping Ren and Bob McKercher (Eds.). 

  • A paper titled “Stars in the Rearview Mirror: The Grand Tour as a Guide to the Development of Space Tourism,” written by Dr. Chris Taylor and his graduate student Mark Ovesny, has been accepted for publication in the International Hospitality Review.  

  • Dr. Zeya He has had two articles accepted for publication. The first, along with co-authors Laurie Wu, Alei Fan and Yang Yang, is titled “Robotic involvement in the service encounter: a value-centric experience framework and empirical validation” and will be published in the Journal of Service Management. The Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research will also publish her paper titled “To Partner with Human or Robot? Designing Service Coproduction Processes for Willingness to Pay More,” co-authored with Laurie Wu, Alei Fan and Ensol Her. 

  • Dr. Juan M. Madera is the co-principal investigator for a $2 million research grant funded by the National Science Foundation that will examine factors that drive promotion and tenure outcomes in higher education.

  • Dr. Carl A. Boger Jr. has been selected as an outstanding reviewer by editors of the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research.

  • Dean Dennis Reynolds has co-authored and published his sixth book, the first as dean of Hilton College. Published by Wiley, the textbook is titled Introduction to Hospitality Management and presents a thorough overview of historical perspectives, current trends and real-world practices. Expected to be a market leader in introductory hospitality textbooks, Dr. Reynolds, along with co-authors Dr. Imran Rahman and Dr. Clayton Barrows, give students a comprehensive survey of the hospitality field by covering bar and restaurant management, hotel and lodging operations, travel and tourism, and more. 

  • Dr. Priyanko Guchait, along with co-authors Dr. Maxime Wang (former Ph.D. student) and visiting scholar Do Khoa, have had their paper titled “Experience of Shame in Service Failure Context Among Restaurant Frontline Employees: Does Industry Tenure Matter?” accepted for publication in the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management (SSCI). 

  • A paper titled “Using Social Distancing Technology in Hotels: A Social Exchange Perspective” co-authored by Drs. Cristian Morosan and Agnes DeFranco has been accepted for publication by the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.

  • Dr. Minwoo Lee has been appointed assistant editor for the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology (SSCI).

  • Dean Dennis Reynolds has been named to the editorial board of the Wine Business Journal. This is the 11th academic or industry publication board on which he currently serves.  

  • Dr. Agnes DeFranco has had an article titled “The Speed of Change and Performance Risk: Examining the Impacts of IT Spending in the U.S. Hotel Industry" accepted for publication in the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology. Her co-authors include Nan Hua, Tingting Zhang and Melissa Jahromi. 

  • Dr. Agnes DeFranco, along with co-authors Marcos Medeiros, Nan Hua and Arthur Huang, have had an article titled “Hotel Operator Types in the Digital Era” accepted for publication in the Boston Hospitality Review.

  • Drs. Agnes DeFranco and Yoon Koh have received funding for a 2021 SURF grant with Lantz Han, who are working with Dr. Koh’s SURF student Natalie Kubosh.

  • Dr. Tiffany Legendre has written a chapter titled “Managing Luxury Brand Creation, Communication and Sustainability: Evidence from the Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts Case” for a textbook called Luxury Management in Tourism and Hospitality.
  • The International Journal of Hospitality Management has accepted a paper written by Dr. Tiffany Legendre titled “Communication of Food Waste Messages: The Effects of Communication Modality, Presentation Order, and Mindfulness on Food Waste Reduction Intention.”

  • The Cornell Quarterly has accepted a paper from Drs. Minjung Shin and Ki-Joon Back titled “The loyalty program for our self-esteem: The role of collective self-esteem in luxury hotel membership programs.” Their co-authors are Choong-Ki Lee and Young-Sub Lee.

  • The International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management has accepted a paper written by Drs. Minwoo Lee and Ki-Joon Back, along with co-authors M. Lee and W. Kwon, titled “Artificial intelligence for hospitality big data analytics: Developing a prediction model of restaurant review helpfulness for customer decision making.”

  • Drs. Jaewook Kim, Yoon Koh, John Bowen and Sung In Kim have had their article titled “Towards maximization of peer-to-peer accommodation hosts' Competitive Productivity” accepted for publication in the International Journal of Hospitality Management.

  • The Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management has accepted a paper written by Dr. Priyanko Guchait titled “A Multi-level Investigation of the Leadership Factors on Food Safety Promotive and Prohibitive Voices Through Food Safety Consciousness” for publication.

  • Dr. Tiffany Legendre, along with co-authors Dr. Heyao “Chandler” Yu and J. Ma, have had their paper titled “We stand by our brand: Consumers’ post-food safety crisis purchase intention and moral reasoning” accepted for publication by the Journal of Business Research (SSCI).  

  • Dr. Tiffany Legendre and co-author Melissa A. Baker have had their paper titled “The gateway bug to edible insect consumption: Interactions between message framing, celebrity endorsement, and online social support” accepted for publication by the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.

  • The International Journal of Hospitality Management has accepted a paper co-authored by Drs. Mary Dawson and Juan M. Madera and Ph.D. student Michelle Russen for publication. Their paper is called “Gender diversity in hospitality and tourism top management teams: A systematic review of the last 10 years.”

  • Drs. Mary Dawson and JéAnna Abbott, along with co-authors P. Jolly and C. McDowell, have written a paper titled “Pay and benefit satisfaction, perceived organizational support, and turnover intentions: The moderating role of job variety” accepted for publication by the International Journal of Hospitality Management.

  • “Do passengers perceive flying first-class as a luxury experience?” by co-authors Dr. Carl A. Boger Jr., E. Lee and A. Heyes has been accepted for publication by Research in Hospitality Management

  • The Journal of Convention & Event Tourism has accepted a paper co-authored by Dr. Jason Draper, Y. Liu and L. Young titled “Research Methods, Data Collection, and Data Analysis in Meetings, Expositions, Events, and Conventions Journals” for publication.

  • Dr. Carl A. Boger Jr., Marisa Ritter and Maryam Charmchian-Langroudi have written a paper titled “Effects of ideology on visit intention and trust toward a destination” accepted for publication by the Journal of Convention & Event Management.

  • Dr. Priyanko Guchait’s paper titled “When normative framing saves Mr. Nature: Role of consumer efficacy in pro-environmental adoption” has been accepted for publication by Psychology & Marketing.
  • Drs. Jay Neal and Sujata Sirsat, along with co-researchers Karla Acosta, Dr. Zahra Mohammad, Dr. Heyao “Chandler” Yu, Kristen Kirkwood and Kristen Gibson, have had their paper titled “Changing the Layout of Farmers Markets Can Affect Cross Contamination” accepted for publication by the British Food Journal.

  • Dr. Deepu Kurian’s paper titled “Can authentic leadership influence the employees’ organizational justice perceptions? A study in the hotel context” has been accepted for publication by the International Hospitality Review.

  • Dr. Juan M. Madera and former Ph.D. student Lindsey Lee have received publication acceptance by the International Journal of Hospitality Management for their research titled “A within-level analysis of the effect of customer-focused perspective – taking on deep acting and customer helping behaviors: The mediating roles of negative affect and empathy."  

  • The Journal of Environmental Health accepted Dr. Sujata Sirsat’s paper titled “Impact of COVID-19 on the Food Service Industry and Science-Based Strategies for Pandemic Preparedness” for publication.

  • A collaborative paper by co-authors Alberto A. Beiza and Drs. Zahra Mohammad and Sujata Sirsat titled “Persistence of Foodborne Pathogens on Farmers Market Fomites” has been accepted for publication by the Journal of Food Protection.

  • A paper titled “The Unique Aesthetics of Organizational Climate that Contribute to the Prevalence of Sexual Harassment Incidents within the Restaurant Industry” by co-authors Drs. Mary Dawson and Juan M. Madera and Ph.D. student Michelle Russen has been accepted for publication by the Journal of Food and Beverage Research.

  • Dr. Juan M. Madera, in collaboration with a team of faculty and Ph.D. students from the University of Houston’s psychology department, have had their manuscript called “Search Committee Diversity and Applicant Pool Representation of Women and Underrepresented Minorities: A Quasi-Experimental Field Study" accepted for publication by the Journal of Applied Psychology.”

  • Dr. Jaewook Kim and co-author Yiqi Wang have had their paper titled “The financial impact of online reviews in the restaurant industry: A moderating effect of brand equity” accepted for publication by the International Journal of Hospitality Management.

  • Drs. Scott Taylor Jr. and Chris Taylor have had their manuscript “Pivot! How the restaurant industry adapted during Covid-19” accepted for publication at International Hospitality Review.

  • Dr. Juan M. Madera’s paper titled “Walking the talk in diversity management: Exploring links between strategic statements, management practices and external recognition” was accepted for publication at the International Journal of Hospitality Management. His co-authors are Ashok Manharan and Manisha Singal. 

  • “Should I leave this industry? The role of stress and negative emotions in response to an industry negative work event,” a paper written by Dr. Juan M. Madera and co-authors graduate student Iuliana Popa and former Ph.D. students Heyao “Chandler” Yu and Lindsey Lee, has been accepted for publication for the International Journal of Hospitality Management.  

  • For its special ICHRIE 75th anniversary issue, the Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research will publish Dr. Yoon Koh’s article titled “Topical Foci, Industries Studied, and Research Topics: A Study of 17 Annual ICHRIE Conferences.”
  • Dr. Nathan Jarvis and his co-authors Nathan Wideman and Drs. James Oliver and Philip Crandall have received acceptance notification from the journal Microorganisms for their paper titled “Detection and potential virulence of viable but non-culturable (VBNC) Listeria monocytogenes: A review.”

  • Dr. Tiffany Legendre and graduate and Ph.D. student co-authors Chris Cai and Anni Ding have had their paper titled “Exploring Persuasive Sales Techniques to Improve Customer Acceptance of Sustainable but Unfamiliar Menu in Restaurants” accepted by the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.

  • Dr. Tiffany Legendre and graduate and Ph.D. student co-authors Chris Cai and Anni Ding have had their paper titled “Exploring Persuasive Sales Techniques to Improve Customer Acceptance of Sustainable but Unfamiliar Menu in Restaurants” accepted by the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.

  • Dr. Yoon Koh’s paper called “How You Name Your Airbnb's Title Matters: Comparison of Seven Countries” has been accepted for publication by the Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing. Her co-authors are Dr. Jaewook Kim and former Ph.D. student Dr. Yue Teng-Vaughan.

  • The International Journal of Hospitality Management has accepted for publication Dr. Scott Taylor Jr.’s paper titled “Antecedents and Outcomes of Restaurant Employees’ Food Safety Intervention Behaviors.” His co-authors are Drs. Kim Harris and Robin DiPietro.  

  • Dr. Priyanko Guchait and co-author Dr. Xingyu Wang have had their paper titled “Hospitality Employee’s Mindfulness and Its Impact On Creativity and Customer Satisfaction: The Moderating Role of Organizational Error Tolerance” accepted for publication by the International Journal of Hospitality Management (SSCI).

  • Dr. Minwoo Lee’s paper titled “The role of virtual reality on information sharing and seeking behaviors” has been accepted for publication by the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management. His co-authors are S.A. Lee and M. Jeong.

  • Dr. John Bowen’s paper titled “Lesson learned from the pandemic: the need for sustainable employment” has been accepted for publication by Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes.

  • Dr. Tiffany Legendre and her doctoral student Anni Ding received publication acceptance notification from the International Journal of Hospitality Management (SSCI) for their paper titled “Freedom Restriction and Non-member Customers’ Response to Loyalty Programs.
  • Drs. Sujata Sirsat and Zahra Mohammad, along with students Isa do Prado, R. Nieto and R. De Los Santos, have had their paper titled “Assessing Food Safety Practices Among Texas Small Growers” accepted for publication by the Journal of Food Protection.

  • The International Journal of Hospitality Management has accepted a paper co-authored by Drs. Juan M. Madera and JéAnna Abbott titled Organizational trust in times of COVID-19: hospitality employees affective responses to managers communication.” This manuscript is a collaborative work with their former Ph.D. students Drs. Maxime Wang and Renata Fernandes Guzzo.

  • Dr. Yoon Koh and her former graduate student Seung Gyun Mun have had their paper titled "Which Type of M&A Makes an Acquiring Restaurant Firm a Star? Profit-Driven versus Growth-Driven M&A" accepted for publication by the Cornell Hospitality Quarterly
  • Dr. Jason Draper and his Ph.D. student Yi Liu have had their paper titled “The influence of attending festivals with children on family quality of life, subjective well-being, and event experience” accepted for publication in Event Management.

  • The Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research has accepted a paper by Dean Dennis Reynolds titled “Looking back, looking ahead.”
  • Drs. Minwoo Lee and Ki-Joon Back and their Ph.D. student Hyekyung Park have had their article titled “Exploring the Roles of Hotel Wellness Attributes on Customer Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction: Application of Kano Model through Mixed Method” accepted for publication in the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.

  • Drs. Mary Dawson and Juan M. Madera and their Ph.D. student Michelle Russen have had their article titled “Gender discrimination and perceived fairness in the promotion process of hotel employees” accepted for publication in the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.

  • The Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, an APA journal, will publish a paper written by Dr. Juan M. Madera and his colleagues at Rice University titled “Diversity and Inclusion of Understudied Populations: A Call to Practitioners and Researchers.”

  • The International Journal of Hospitality Management has accepted a paper from Dr. Jaewook Kim titled Uncertainty risks and strategic reaction of restaurant firms amid COVID-19: Evidence from China.” His co-authors are J. Kim and Y. Wang.

  • Dr. Zeya He and her co-authors Ning Deng, Xiang Li and Huimin Gu have had their article titled “How to ‘Read’ a Destination from Image? Machine learning and network methods for DMOs’ image projection and photo evaluation” accepted for publication in the Journal of Travel Research.

  • Drs. Minjung Shin and Ki-Joon Back, along with co-authors Choong-Ki Lee and Young-Sub Lee, have had their paper titled “Enhancing customer-brand relationships by leveraging loyalty program experiences that foster customer-brand identification” accepted for publication in the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.

  • Dr. Zeya He received publication acceptance for her paper titled “The impact of focal and general lighting designs on customers’ approach intentions toward restaurants” in the International Journal of Hospitality Management. Her co-authors are Laurie Wu, Ceridwyn King and Anna S. Mattila.

  • Dr. Agnes DeFranco’s paper titled "Cash in Hotels and Clubs: 2020 and Beyond" has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Hospitality Financial Management

  • “Collecting Repeated Data Over Time: Applying Experience Sampling Methodology to the Hospitality Management Context” is the latest paper by Dr. Juan M. Madera accepted by the Cornell Hospitality Quarterly for its special issue on methodology. Former Ph.D. students Lindsey Lee and Heyao “Chandler” Yu are co-authors.

  • For its special issue on methodology, the Cornell Hospitality Quarterly will publish a paper titled “Examining Applicant Online Recruitment: The Use of Fictitious Websites in Experimental Studies” by co-authors Drs. Juan M. Madera and Priyanko Guchait and former Ph.D. students Lindsey Lee and Renata Fernandes Guzzo.

  • Dr. Priyanko Guchait’s paper titled “Using Regulatory Focus to Encourage Physical Distancing in Services: When Fear Helps to Deal with Mr. Deadly COVID-19” has been accepted for publication by the Service Industries Journal (SSCI).

  • Dr. Yoon Koh and former Ph.D. student Amanda Belarmino’s paper titled “When the party's over: What influences event peer-to-peer accommodation hosts to re-enter the market?” has been accepted for publication by Current Issues in Tourism.

  • The International Journal of Hospitality Management will publish Dr. Scott Taylor Jr.’s paper titled “The Socially Distant Servicescape: An investigation of consumer preference’s during the re-opening phase.”

  • A paper titled “Customer Perspectives on the Acquisition of Local Artisanal Companies” co-authored by Drs. Tiffany Legendre and John Bowen has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.

  • A paper titled “Investigating the Effects of Explanatory-Based Food Safety Training: A Model of Domain Knowledge Theory Perspective” co-authored by Dr. Sujata Sirsat, H. Yu, J. Ma and P. Liu has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Hospitality Management.

  • Drs. Minwoo Lee and Ki-Joon Back, in collaboration with W. Kwon, M. Lee and K. Y. Lee, have co-authored a paper titled “Assessing restaurant review helpfulness through big data: Dual-process and social influence theory” that has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology.

  • Kendall Hunt published the second edition of Dr. Agnes DeFranco’s textbook Cost Control in the Hospitality Industry. Her project co-authors are John R. Walker and Christopher J. Walker.

  • Dr. Ki-Joon Back and his former Ph.D. student Dr. Sohee Park have received publication notification from the International Journal of Hospitality Management for their paper titled “Modified scales for organizational identification and organizational disidentification for the foodservice industry.”

  • The Journal of Foodservice Business Research will publish Dr. Scott Taylor Jr.’s manuscript titled “Campus Dining Goes Mobile: Intentions of College Students to Adopt a Mobile Food Ordering App.”

  • Drs. Sujata Sirsat, Zahra Mohammad, Aaron Corsi, Jay Neal and Glenn Cordua’s paper titled “Implications of Temperature Abuse on Unpasteurized Beer Quality Using Organoleptic and Chemical Analyses” has been accepted for publication in Foods.

  • “Exploring the underlying factors of customer value in restaurants: a machine learning approach” is the latest paper accepted for publication in the International Journal of Hospitality Management by co-authors Drs. Minwoo Lee and Ki-Joon Back.

  • The International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management will publish a paper titledSuccessful restaurant crowdfunding: The role of linguistic style” written by Drs. Yoon Koh, Minwoo Lee, Jaewook Kim and Y. Yang.
  • Drs. Scott Taylor Jr. and Chris Taylor, Ph.D. student Cortney Norris, along with Dr. Linda Swayne, have received publication acceptance from the Journal of Foodservice and Business Research for their manuscript titled “Isn’t it Iconic? Brand Iconicity and Distilled Spirits: An Exploratory Study.”

  •  Drs. Sujata Sirsat and Zahra Mohammad, along with co-author L. Payton, have had their paper titled “Efficacy of Sushi Rice Acidification: Quantification of Bacillus cereus and Clostridium perfringens During Simulation of Retail Practices” accepted for publication in LWT-Food Science and Technology.

  •  Drs. Carl A. Boger Jr. and Jason Draper’s paper titled "The effects of time living away from home and family support on intention to host a destination wedding" has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Destination Marketing & Management.

  • The Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering will publish a paper titled “Bacteriostatic effect of CoO-TiO2 on Listeria monocytogenes by the presence of the co-catalytic CoO nanoparticles” written by Drs. Sujata Sirsat, Jay Neal and Zahra Mohammad, with co-authors O. Hecht, C. Mirabal, D. Pepe, W. Yang, V. Hadjiev, and F. C. Robles-Hernandez.

  • Dr. Minwoo Lee and co-authors S. A. Lee, M. Jeong and H. Oh have had their paper titled “Quality of Virtual Reality and Its Impacts on Behavioral Intention” accepted for publication in the International Journal of Hospitality Management.

  • Dr. Priyanko Guchait’s paper titled “Tolerating Errors in Hospitality Organizations: Relationships with Learning Behavior, Error Reporting, and Service Recovery Performance” has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management (SSCI).

  • Drs. Minjung Shin and Ki-Joon Back’s paper titled “The Luxury of Doing Nothing: Inferring Luxury from Idleness Display in Travel Setting” has been accepted for publication by the Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing.

  • The Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology has accepted a paper titled “Consumers’ Persuasion in Online Food Delivery Systems" written by co-authors Drs. Cristian Morosan and Agnes DeFranco and Ph.D. student Nefike Gunden.

  • Dr. Priyanko Guchait’s paper titled “Anxiety and Gratitude Towards the Organization: Relationships with Error Management Culture and Service Recovery Performance” has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Hospitality Management (SSCI). His co-authors are Xingyu Wang and Aysin Pasamehmetoglu.

  • A paper written by Dr. Agnes DeFranco and her colleagues at UCF has been accepted for publication by the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. The paper is titled “The Moderating Effect of Operator Type: The Impact of Information Technology (IT) Expenditures on Hotels’ Operating Performance.” 
  • Drs. Minwoo Lee and Ki-Joon Back and co-authors J. H. Hong and S. Chung’s paper titled “Exploring social media efforts and traveler engagement in smart tourism from big data: Empirical analysis on Facebook event pages” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Travel Research.

  • Dr. Ki-Joon Back’s paper titled “Co-creation and integrated resort experience in Croatia: The application of service-dominant logic has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Destination Marketing and Management. His co-authors are former Ph.D. student Dr. Jiseon Ahn and Drs. C. K. Lee and Petra Barisic.  

  • Dr. Tiffany Legendre’s paper titled “Unintended negative consequences of loyalty programs: Endowed vs. Earned loyalty” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Services Marketing (SSCI).

  • Drs. Juan M. Madera, Priyanko Guchait and former Ph.D. student Dr. Lindsey Lee’s paper titled “Negative affect, deep acting, and customer compensation as responses to customer mistreatment: The effect of customer-based perspective-taking" has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Hospitality Management

  • The International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management (SSCI) has accepted Dr. Priyanko Guchait’s paper titled “Why Should Errors Be Tolerated? Perceived Organizational Support, Organization-Based Self-Esteem and Psychological Well-Being" for publication.

  • Drs. Mary Dawson, Agnes DeFranco and Jason Draper’s paper titled “Are all student evaluation scores created equally? Identifying factors that hospitality administrators should consider when assessing student feedback” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education (SSCI).

  • Dr. John Bowen and Robert Ford’s manuscript titled “Visitors and Employees Co-Create Fun Exhibition Experiences” has been accepted for publication in Exhibition, a refereed journal of exhibition theory and practices.

  • Drs. Cristian Morosan and Agnes DeFranco and Ph.D. student Nefike Gunden’s paper titled “Consumers’ Intentions to Use Online Food Delivery Systems in the U.S.” has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.

  • The International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management (SSCI) has accepted Dr. Tiffany Legendre’s paper titled “Worldview Based Hospitality Brand Support: Belief in a Just World Theory Perspectives” for publication. Her co-authors are Melissa A. Baker, Rodney Warnick and Albert Assaf.

  • Dr. Tiffany Legendre’s manuscript titled “Exploring Particulate Matter Pollution in Hotel Guestrooms” has been accepted for publication by the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management (SSCI).

  • Dr. Tiffany Legendre and her co-author Melissa A. Baker’s paper titled “Legitimizing Edible Insects for Human Consumption: The Impacts of Trust, Risk-Benefit, and Purchase Activism” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research (SSCI).

  • Dr. Minwoo Lee, and his co-authors from South Korea and Canada, have received publication acceptance from the International Journal of Hospitality Management for their article titled “Unveiling the cloak of deviance: Linguistic cues for psychological processes in fake online reviews.”

  • A paper titled “Management Fees and Hotel Performance in the U.S.” written by Drs. Agnes DeFranco and JéAnna Abbott and N. Hua has been accepted for publication in Tourism Management.

  • Dr. Jaewook Kim’s paper titled “Effects of Epidemic Disease Outbreaks on Financial Performance of Restaurant Firms and their Risk-reducing Strategies” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management. His co-authors are J. Kim, S. Lee and L. Tang.

  • The Journal of Electronic Commerce Research has accepted for publication Dr. Cristian Morosan’s paper titled “Hotel Facial Recognition Systems: Insight into Guests’ System Perceptions, Congruity with Self-Image, and Anticipated Emotions.”

  • Dr. Scott Taylor Jr. and his colleagues have had their manuscript titled “Will travel for beer: An assessment of beer-focused and non-beer focused tourists’ perceived similarity, brand loyalty and place loyalty” accepted for publication in the Journal of Destination Marketing & Management.

  • Dr. Minwoo Lee and his co-authors have received publication acceptance from Tourism Economics (SSCI) for their article titled “Length of stay control: Is it a fair inventory management strategy in hotel market?”

  • Dr. Tiffany Legendre and two colleagues have received publication acceptance from Marketing Intelligence & Planning (SSCI) for their paper titled “The impact of brand experience on the memory formation.”

  • Drs. Minwoo Lee and Agnes DeFranco have received publication acceptance from the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology for their paper titled “Exploring Influential Factors Affecting Hotel Guests Satisfaction: Big Data & Business Analytics in Consumer-Generated Reviews.” Their co-authors are former master’s student Maggie Cai and Dr. Jongseo Lee.

  • Drs. JéAnna Abbott and Juan M. Madera assisted former Ph.D. student Renata Fernandes Guzzo with a paper titled “A Micro-Level View of CSR: A Hospitality Management Systematic Literature Review,” which has been accepted to the Cornell Quarterly.  

  • Drs. Scott Taylor Jr. and Chris Taylor have received publication acceptance from the International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration for their paper titled “Building Consumer Brand Loyalty: An Assessment of the Microbrewery Taproom Experience.”

  • Dr. Cristian Morosan’s book manuscript, Urbanization in Medieval Denmark: From Landing Place to Town, has been accepted for publication by Amsterdam University Press.

  • Dr. Sujata Sirsat’s paper titled “The Persistence of Foodborne Pathogens on Produce Box Cartons” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Environmental Health.

  • Dean Dennis Reynolds and co-author J. Sandstrom have had their article titled “Leading a successful hotel: A look at the general manager's ability to utilize multiple leadership styles” accepted for publication in the International Journal of Hospitality Management.

  • Dean Dennis Reynolds and his co-author Dr. Na Su have received acceptance notification from the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management for their paper titled “Categorical differences of hotel brand personality: identifying competition across hotel categories.” Their study aims to differentiate the brand personality of four basic hotel categories – limited-service, selected-service, full-service and luxury hotels – to draw an overall landscape of the lodging industry on symbolic attributes. Their paper also explains the pros and cons of each category.
  • Dr. Yoon Koh’s paper titled “Dynamics between Brand Diversification and Segment Diversification on Firm Value” has been accepted for publication by Tourism Economics (SSCI). Her article finds evidence that brand diversification increases lodging firm value more significantly when segment is also diversified. She also found that when a company diversifies brands within a focused lodging segment, increase in firm value was insignificant.

  • Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Trends has accepted a paper co-authored by Drs. John Bowen and Cristian Morosan titled “Beware hospitality industry: the robots are coming.” The purpose of their study was to provide an overview of how artificial intelligence and robotics can and will be used by the hospitality industry, and offers a glimpse of what the use of robotics will look like in 2030. 

  • Dr. Ki-Joon Back and his research colleagues in Korea, Malaysia and Switzerland have received acceptance notification from International Gambling Studies for their manuscript titled “A mixed method approach of developing a multidimensional scale for gambling fallacy in the Korean context.” The primary objective of their study was to develop a valid gambling fallacy scale for the South Korean population using qualitative and quantitative methods to thoroughly understand the underlying structure of erroneous beliefs toward gambling among recreational and problem gamblers.

  • Dr. Minwoo Lee, along with two researchers from Griffith University, have written a paper titled “Do green awards and certifications matter? Consumers' perceptions, green behavioral intentions and economic implications for the hotel industry: A Sri Lankan perspective” that will be published for a special issue – CSR & Sustainability – in Tourism Economics (SSCI). Their study confirms that hotels’ green activities and investment to achieve green awards and certificates positively affect consumers’ perceptions and behavioral intentions in developing countries.

  • Deepu Kurian, director of business operations and a doctoral candidate in Human Resources Development at Texas A&M University, has had his paper titled “Examining the Relationship between Organizational Justice and Employee Engagement” accepted for the 2019 Academy of HRD International Research Conference in the Americas.

  • Agnes DeFranco and Instructional Assistant Professor Arlene Ramirez have received the UH Alternative Textbook Incentive Grant. The funding will go toward implementing an open or alternative textbook, and is part of an initiative to improve students’ academic experience by mitigating the cost of textbooks.

  • JéAnna Abbott and her colleague James Johnson of Texas A&M University have had their presentation titled “Introduction to Data Science using Python” accepted to the 2019 American Statistical Association’s Conference on Statistical Practices. The goal of their presentation is to introduce the basics of the Python language to participants and to familiarize attendees with the various tools to code and build data science models in Python.
  • Dr. Ki-Joon Back, his former graduate student Yongwook Ju, and two other colleagues from Hong Kong Polytechnic University have co-authored a paper titled “Exploring Airbnb service quality attributes and their asymmetric effects on customer satisfaction,” which has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Hospitality Management. Their findings suggest that Airbnb has multiple SQ attributes associated with the website, host and facility that produce distinctive effects on CS. 

  • Former master’s student Mary Goodman’s research paper, which is based on her thesis, has been accepted for publication by the Journal of Culinary Science & Technology. Titled “Isolation of Beer Spoiling Bacteria from Texas Craft Breweries,” the paper was co-authored by Dr. Jay Neal, Aaron Corsi and Dr. Sujata Sirsat. Their study tested for the presence of beer spoilage bacteria produced in craft beer. The research team concluded that brewers who wish to continue producing high-quality beer may benefit from a quality management program that includes a preventive approach to detect the microbiological risks.

  • Dr. Ki-Joon Back and his former Ph.D. student Dr. Jiseon Ahn have had their paper titled “The role of autonomy, competence, and relatedness: Applying self-determination theory to the integrated resort setting” accepted for publication by the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. Their study applies the perspective of self-determination theory to investigate the effects of needs satisfaction on customers’ emotional bond and perceived fit with the integrated resort brand. Insights from this research will be used to design and evaluate customers’ experience in tourism and hospitality industry.

  • Dr. Cristian Morosan has received a Teaching Innovation Program (TIP) grant from the UH Office of the Provost to fund his proposal titled “Increasing Students’ Course Performance Using Interactive Engaging Technologies.”

  • Dr. Juan M. Madera has had two papers accepted for publication. The first, titled “Top Management Gender Diversity and Organizational Attraction: When and Why it Matters,” was accepted for publication in the Archives of Scientific Psychology, an APA journal. The second was accepted by the Harvard Business Review and is titled “How We Describe Male and Female Job Applicants Differently.”

  • Dean Dennis Reynolds, along with co-authors A. M. Bardwell, J. T. Stephan and I. Rahman, have had their paper titled “A structural model evaluating the relationships among dining frequency, involvement, and restaurant attributes” accepted by the Journal of Foodservice Business Research. The researchers explored the relationship between dining frequency and dining involvement and the perceived level of importance of various dining factors that influence guest satisfaction in restaurants. Their findings indicate that dining frequency influences dining involvement which, in turn, influences three of the dining factors: atmosphere, menu and service.

  • Dr. Ki-Joon Back, his former Ph.D. student Dr. Jiseon Ahn and research partner Dr. Choong-Ki Lee of Kyunghee University, have received acceptance notification from the International Journal of Hospitality Management for their paper titled “A new dualistic approach to brand attitude: The role of passion among integrated resort customers.” Their findings showed that the link between extrinsic motivation and obsessive passion reduced affective attitude, whereas the association of intrinsic motivation and harmonious passion promoted affective attitude. Their study also showed that the conative intention outcome of customers is directly influenced by intrinsic motivation and affective attitude.

  • Drs. Ki-Joon Back and Minwoo Lee are serving as co-principal investigators on a $2,900,000 research grant from the Institute for Information & Communications Technology Promotion, Ministry of Science and Technology, Korea. Their project is titled “The Development of Interoperable Block-Chain Platform Technology” and aims to develop interoperable block-chain platforms, business models and applications. The pair will work with leading computer science and information security research institutes and universities in Korea as one of the three international research organizations – the only one in the United States.   

  • Doctoral Candidate Xingyu "Maxime" Wang, along with co-authors Dr. Priyanko Guchait, Jinsoo Lee and Dr. Ki-Joon Back, have had their paper titled “The Importance of Psychological Safety and Perceived Fairness Among Hotel Employees: the Examination of Antecedent and Outcome Variables” accepted for publication by the Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality and Tourism. This is Maxime’s third publication and second paper as lead author. Their research examines how organizational error management culture influences organizational commitment and employee turnover intention through employee psychological safety and perceived fairness.

  • Dr. Minwoo Lee has received a grant from the University of Houston Digital Research Commons Fund for his business analytics research project.

  • Former doctoral candidate Dr. Heyao “Chandler” Yu and his advisors Drs. Sujata Sirsat and Juan M. Madera have co-authored a paper titled “Enhancing hospitality students’ motivation to learn food safety knowledge using tablet personal computer (TPC)-based simulation game class activity.” The paper has been accepted for publication by the Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism. The results of their study demonstrated that hospitality students’ motivation to learn food safety can be maximized when learners are engaged in the learning material with both cognitive and affective structures. 

  • Dr. Nancy Graves has received a $1,500 grant from the Society for Hospitality and Foodservice Management Foundation to support her course, Contract Foodservice Management. This is the fourth consecutive year that Dr. Graves has received funding for this highly competitive grant.

  • Drs. Jason Draper and Jay Neal have had their paper titled “Motivations to Attend a Non-traditional Conference: Are There Differences Based on Attendee Demographics and Employment Characteristics?” accepted for publication by the Journal of Convention & Event Tourism. Results from the group surveyed (delegates attending the Conference for Food Protection’s biennial meeting) revealed delegates’ preferences were to focus on the purpose of the meeting, rather than the destination, networking, and other motivations typically identified in prior studies. 

  • Deepu Kurian, director of business operations and a doctoral candidate in Human Resources Development at Texas A&M University, has had two papers accepted for publication. The first, “Organizational justice: Why does it matter for HRD,” will be published in the Journal of Organizational Psychology. This paper explores the concept of organizational justice from the existing literature, and suggests some implications for practice and future directions for HRD scholars and researchers. The second paper, “The influence of human resources development practices on employees’ organizational justice perceptions,” will appear in International journal for HRD Practice, Policy, and Research. This study examines the influence of HRD practices on the employee’s perceptions of justice at interactive, procedural and outcomes levels.
  • Drs. Cristian Morosan and Agnes DeFranco won the Best Research Paper Award at the International Hospitality Information Techology’s (IHITA) 2018 Annual Conference. Their winning paper is titled “Increasing Hotel Guest Spending Through Interactive Technology: The Roles of Co-Creation and Marketing Strategy.” At this conference, Dr. DeFranco, Dr. Minwoo Lee, graduate student Yanjun “Maggie” Cai and Dr. Jongseo Lee also presented a paper titled “Exploring Influential Factors Affecting Hotel Guest Satisfaction: Big Data & Business Analytics in Consumer-Generated Reviews.” 

  • Dr. Agnes DeFranco, Arlene Ramirez and Tanya Venegas presented their paper on “The Hotel Pre-Opening Process” at the invitation only Hotel Financial Executive Exchange of HITEC. The trio also presented a second paper titled “IT Costs in the Lodging Industry - How Do We Measure Up?" at the HFTP Club and Hotel Controllers Conference.  

  • The International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management has accepted a paper written by first cohort doctoral candidate Yue Teng-Vaughan and her co-author Dr. Yoon Koh. Titled the "Role of Resource Slack in Rapid International Expansion of Restaurant Companies,” their paper investigates the relationship between rapid internationalization and firm value in U.S. restaurant companies. It also identifies the moderating role of available slack, potential slack and recoverable slack on the relationship of rapid internationalization and the firm’s value. This research sheds light on restaurant companies whose financial resources are critical for value-adding international expansion. 

  • Renata F. Guzzo, along with co-authors Dr. Robert C. Ford of the University of Central Florida and Drs. JéAnna Abbott and John Bowen, has had her first manuscript as a Ph.D. student accepted for publication. Titled “Development and Validation of a Measure of Ebullient Supervision: The ES Scale,” this paper has been accepted by the Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies. While researchers have learned much about the negative outcomes of abusive supervisors, relatively little is known about ebullient supervisors and the beneficial outcomes caused by leaders who create fun work environments for employees. This paper defines the concept of an ebullient supervisor, and develops and validates a scale to measure the construct of Ebullient Supervision (ES).

  • Former graduate student Anqi Luo, along with co-authors Dr. Priyanko Guchait, doctoral candidate Lindsey Lee and Dr. Juan M. Madera have had their paper titled “Transformational Leadership and Service Recovery Performance: The Mediating Effect of Emotional Labor and the Influence of Culture” accepted by the International Journal of Hospitality Management (SSCI).

  • Dr. Juan M. Madera is the lead author of the paper titled “Raising Doubt in Letters of Recommendation for Academia: Gender Differences and Their Impact,” which appears in the Journal of Business and Psychology. The article will also be included in the upcoming print edition of this publication. His co-authors include Michelle R. Hebl, Heather Dial, Randi Martin and Virgina Valian of Rice University and the City University of New York. 

  • Doctoral candidate Heyao “Chandler” Yu, along with his chair professor Dr. Sujata Sirsat and Dr. Jay Neal, have had their food safety paper accepted for publication in the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. Their paper is called “Linking Food Safety Training with
    Whistle-Blowing: The Mediation Roles of Job Satisfaction and Self-Efficacy.”

  • Dr. Minwoo Lee will have his book chapter titled “Hotel Employees’ Use of Smartphones and Performance: Reflective-Formative Estimation Approach in PLS-SEM" published in the Application of Partial Least Squares – Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) in Tourism and Hospitality Research.

  • Dean Dennis Reynolds, along with former students Imran Rahman, Shaniel Bernard and Amy Holbrook, have received publication acceptance in the International Journal of Hospitality Management for their paper titled “What Effect Does Wine Bottle Closure Type Have on Perceptions of Wine Attributes?” This study investigated the association between wine bottle closure type (natural, screw, synthetic and glass) and consumer perceptions of intrinsic wine attributes (appearance, taste, bouquet and overall quality) using evaluative conditioning theory and the halo effect in real tasting situations. Their findings confirmed the positive halo effect of natural corks when compared with screw caps and synthetic corks. More specifically, wine thought to have been poured from a bottle with a natural cork closure registered significantly higher ratings on intrinsic attributes compared with wines closed with screw caps or synthetic cork closures, but not those with glass closures. As such, their research suggests that glass stoppers could replace natural corks without generating significantly negative effects on perceptions of intrinsic wine attributes.
  • The International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management has accepted a paper written by doctoral candidate Elizabeth Whalen. Titled “Understanding a Shifting Methodology: A Content Analysis of the Use of Netnography in Hospitality and Tourism Research,” this paper will appear in a special issue of IJCHM for Advancing Research Methods in Hospitality and Tourism Research.

  • Drs. Chris Taylor and Jason Draper, along with Dr. Rhonda Hammond of Washington State University, have had their paper titled “Hotel Food and Beverage Services: Cannibalistic or Complimentary” accepted for publication in the Journal of Gastronomy and Tourism.

  • Co-authors Drs. Priyanko Guchait and Juan M. Madera, along with Drs. Fevzi Okumus and Nan Hua of the University of Central Florida, have had their paper titled “Can error management culture increase work engagement in hotels? The moderating role of gender” accepted for publication in Service Business, an SSCI journal. Their study examines the influence of error management culture on employees’ work engagement; how gender affects the proposed relationship; and the mediating effect of work engagement between error management culture and organizational citizenship behaviors.

  • The University of Houston Teaching Excellence Award Committee and the Office of the Provost have selected Dr. Stephen Barth as the recipient of the 2018 Teaching Excellence Career Award; Dr. JéAnna Abbott for the Teaching Excellence Award for Group Teaching; and doctoral candidate Elizabeth Whalen for the Teaching Excellence Graduate Teaching Assistant Award.
  • Doctoral candidate Jiseon Ahn and co-author Dr. Ki-Joon Back have had their paper titled “The Structural Effects of Affective and Cognitive Elaboration in Formation of Customer-Brand Relationship” accepted for publication in The Service Industries Journal. Customer-brand relationships exist in many tourism categories, yet these relationships are rarely specified in the integrated resort category. Their findings revealed that customers’ affective (e.g., affective brand experience) and cognitive (e.g., intellectual brand experience) elaborations are elicited concurrently in the formation of brand relationship quality and behavior intention toward an integrated resort brand.

  • Former master’s student Sheng Yao and doctoral students Heyao “Chandler” Yu and Xingyu “Maxime” Wang, led by Dr. Priyanko Guchait, were awarded the best paper award during the West Federation CHRIE (Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education) Regional Conference held in Denver Feb. 1-3, 2018. Their winning paper is titled “Improving Service Recovery Performance in the Hospitality Industry: Examining the Impact of Error Management Training." In addition to an impressive paper presentation, Maxime Wang also won the West Federation CHRIE Regional Conference Scholarship.

  • Drs. Yoon Koh and Minwoo Lee have been appointed to serve on the editorial board of Tourism Economics.

  • Dr. Juan M. Madera and coauthor Stefanie K. Johnson have had their article on sexual harassment in the restaurant industry published in the Harvard Business Review. Titled “Sexual Harassment is Pervasive in the Restaurant Industry. Here’s What Needs to Change,” this article studies the insidious routine harassment of service workers by managers, coworkers and customers.

  • When the 23rd Annual Graduate Education & Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism convened in Fort Worth in January 2018, the conference’s top three honors went to Hilton College. Associate Dean for Research & Graduate Studies Ki-Joon Back was given the prestigious Michael Olsen Award for his research and commitment to graduate education. During the gala dinner, Dean Dennis Reynolds received the Founder’s Award for lifetime achievement. And Hilton College also took home the Best Paper Research Award (see accolade below).

  • Doctoral candidate Heyao “Chandler” Yu and coauthors Drs. Sujata Sirsat, Jay Neal, Juan M. Madera, and undergraduate Alberto Bieza received the coveted Best Paper Research Award during the 23rd Annual Graduate Education & Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism held in Fort Worth in January 2018. Their paper is titled “Three-level longitudinal analysis on the antecedents of distributive food safety training in restaurants."

  • Doctoral candidate Amanda Belarmino has had her third peer-review paper accepted for publication. Along with coauthor Dr. Yoon Koh, the article titled “How E-WOM Motivations Vary by Hotel Review Website" will be published in the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. Based on equity theory, their study investigates if guests write on different review websites because of different internal motivations. It also examines the moderating effect of service – exceeds, neutral, negative, and service recovery – on the relationship between motivations and type of website to write reviews. Prior research on this subject typically examined one website or aggregated results from multiple websites, ignoring website specific differences. Their findings can help hoteliers to understand why initiatives to promote reviews on certain websites may be unsuccessful.

  • Doctoral candidate Xingyu "Maxime" Wang has published his second paper. Along with coauthors Drs. Priyanko Guchait and Juan M. Madera, the article titled “Impact of error management culture on organizational performance, management team performance, and creativity in the hospitality industry” was published in the International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration. The purpose of this study was to examine how organizational error management culture impacts organizational performance, management-team performance and creativity in the hospitality industry. The researchers also examined the mediating effect of management-team learning behavior between error management culture and outcomes. 

  • Dr. Jason Draper has been appointed an associate editor for the Journal of Convention and Event Tourism. He is one three associate editors. His appointment began January 1, 2018.

  • Dr. JéAnna Abbott’s proposal to the AOM Specialized Conference: Big Data and Managing in a Digital Economy, which takes place April 18-20, 2018 in Surrey, United Kingdom, has been accepted for presentation. Her presentation is titled “Introduction to Data Science using Python.”
  • Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Mary Dawson, Dr. Priyanko Guchait and Dr. Juan M. Madera have coauthored an article titled “Organizational Characteristics and Personal Values that Define Club Management Culture,” which has been accepted for publication by the International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration. Their study established a scale to measure organizational club culture. Specifically, it identifies the individual and organizational characteristics of club managers. By establishing a list of common characteristics and values, club managers now have tangible factors to incorporate within recruitment, selection, training of new employees, or even describing their club to potential new members.

  • Jiseon Ahn, a doctoral candidate in the College’s first cohort of Ph.D. students, and Dr. Ki-Joon Back have had their paper titled “Beyond gambling: mediating roles of brand experience and attitude” accepted for publication in the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. The authors explore the effect of customers’ perception of the integrated resort by focusing on brand-related variables, namely brand reputation, brand experience, brand attitude and behavioral intention. Their study’s results demonstrate that brand reputation increases customers’ perception of brand experience and brand attitude; brand experience, brand attitude and brand reputation affect the behavioral intention toward the integrated resort brand; and brand experience and attitude play a fully mediating role in the relationship between brand reputation and behavioral intention. This study fills a major gap in the integrated resort literature and research in stressing the need to consider brand management.

  • “Wine Education from an Aesthetic Perspective,” a solo paper written by Dr. Chris Taylor, has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Aesthetics Education.

  •  Dr. Jason Draper, along with coauthors L. Thomas Young and G. G. Fenich, have had their paper titled “Event management research over the past 12 years: What are the current trends in research methods, data collection, data analysis procedures and event types?” accepted for publication in the Journal of Convention & Event Tourism. The purpose of this extant research is to review event, tourism and hospitality journals from 2004 to 2016 to provide insight into the current state of research in terms of data collection and data analysis procedures. Results can assist researchers to identify the type of journal to target for publication with consideration of the type of event, methods and data analysis procedures. 

  • The Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems has published a paper written by Dr. Minwoo Lee, Kyung Young Lee and Kimin Kim. Titled “The differential impacts of ‘communication’ and ‘computing’ functions in smartphones on individuals’ performance and the moderating role of organizational roles,” this study investigated the antecedents and the performance impact of two types of smartphone functions (communication vs. computing functions) in an organizational environment and the moderating impact of smartphone users’ organizational roles. Their findings suggest that smartphone dependency, task mobility and perceived critical mass of smartphone use are significantly associated with the use of the two different functions, and that the use of computing functions is more strongly associated with perceived performance gain than the use of communication functions. They also found that managerial roles played by individual workers differently moderate the impact of smartphone use on perceived performance gain. The present findings enable researchers and practitioners to better understand the impact of smartphone use in workplaces.

  • Amanda Belarmino, a doctoral candidate in the College’s first cohort of Ph.D. students, has published an article titled “How to Write a Good Job Description” in HFTP CONNECT – The Hospitality Professionals’ Blog.

  • The Hospitality Financial and Technology Professionals (HFTP) will support three of our faculty members’ research projects. A $15,000 grant was awarded to Dr. Agnes DeFranco and Instructional Assistant Professor Arlene Ramirez for hotel pre-opening expenses research. And a $10,000 grant was awarded to Dr. Minwoo Lee and Dr. DeFranco for their study of hotel guests’ technology preferences.

  • A manuscript titled “Consumers' Food Safety Risk Perceptions and Willingness to Pay for Fresh-Cut Produce with Lower Risk of Foodborne Illness” written by doctoral candidate Heyao “Chandler” Yu, Dr. Jay Neal and Dr. Sujata Sirsat has been accepted for publication in Food Control. Highlights include that consumers perceive that the presence of foodborne pathogens on fresh-cut produce is unlikely; millennial and female consumers hold higher risk perceptions of fresh-cut produce; the majority of consumers are willing to pay a premium to reduce food safety risk; and millennial consumers with higher risk perception are more likely to pay for a premium. These results provide useful information for fresh-cut produce processors to make decisions on enhancing the compliance of food safety practices. Results also suggest that food safety regulatory agencies that develop public education materials should include information to reduce consumers’ optimistic bias and enhance consumers’ awareness of the risks associated with foodborne pathogens related to fresh-cut produce.

  • Dr. Juan M. Madera, who worked with former MS graduate student Shina Bharadwaja and current doctoral candidate Lindsey Lee, have had their paper accepted for publication in the International Journal of Hospitality Management. Titled “Customer Evaluations of Service-Oriented Organizational Citizeship Behaviors: Agentic and Communal Differences,” the results of their two studies show that the evaluation of service-oriented OCB is particularly susceptible to the influence of gender-role stereotypes.

  • Dr. John T. Bowen and doctoral candidate Elizabeth A. Whalen have had their paper titled “Trends that are changing travel and tourism” published in Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes. The purpose of their paper is to identify trends changing travel and tourism to help managers and researchers better understand these trends. Four trends related to technology are discussed as well as the impact of these trends on hospitality and tourism. 

  • Dr. Agnes DeFranco, along with coauthors Nan Hua, Wei Wei and Dan Wang, have had their paper titled “Do Loyalty Programs Really Matter for Hotel Operational and Financial Performance?" accepted for publication in the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. Their findings showed that loyalty program expenses had a significant and positive impact on all three financial performance indicators of RevPAR, ADR and Occupancy and suggested that the benefits of loyalty programs should be understood against the backdrop of a reasonable set of controlled variables such as e-commerce, franchise, advertising and other marketing expenses, hotel size, and hotel chain scales.

  • Jiseon Ahn, a doctoral candidate in the College’s first cohort of Ph.D. students, and Dr. Ki-Joon Back have had their paper titled “Integrated Resort: A Review of Research and Directions for Future Study” accepted for publication in the International Journal of Hospitality Management. This paper reviews a content analysis of integrated resort papers published in the hospitality and tourism literature over the past 26 years (1991 - 2017). Their findings provide the first thematic overview of the integrated resort industry derived from literature, as well as general and academic interests, limitations and suggested areas for future research.

  • Dr. Minwoo Lee, along with coauthor Melissa A. Baker, have contributed a chapter to the textbook Service Failure and Recovery in Tourism Hospitality: a Practical Manual. Their chapter, titled “Technology, Customer Satisfaction and Service Excellence,” discusses the importance of technology and customers’ (dis)satisfaction regarding technology use in service encounters; technology as effective tools managing customers’ (dis)satisfaction and building customer relationships; the impact of technology use on service employees as the internal marketing perspective; and newly emerging technologies in services.

  • Dr. Jaewook Kim has published two papers. The first, “Exploring Agritoursim Entrepreneurship Strategies: Antecedents and Consequences” with coauthors L. L. Chiang, L. Tang and R. Bosselman, was published in the Journal of Marketing Management. Their study provides a theoretical foundation for future studies on agritourism businesses and also gives guidance for the entrepreneurial-oriented behavior of agritourism business owners. The second, “Forced Exposure and Psychological Reactance towards Online Advertising in the Tourism Industry” with coauthors L. L. Chiang and L. Tang, was published in the Journal of Tourism Research & Hospitality. The purpose of this study was to examine consumers’ feedback towards online tourism advertising with the adoption of Psychological Reactance Theory. Their findings could give industry practitioners suggestions on online advertising design and assist them to predict consumers’ behavior.
  • Dr. Yoon Koh has been invited to serve as a guest editor for a special issue on computer reservation systems in Tourism Economics.

  • Dr. Agnes DeFranco and her coauthor R. S. Schmidgall have had their paper accepted for publication in The Journal of Hospitality Financial Management. Titled “Cash Budgets, Controls and Management in Clubs,” their study explored the extent to which cash budgeting is used in clubs, the various cash budget practices, and whether such practices differ by the demographic characteristics of the clubs.    

  • A paper titled “The Support of Local Underdogs: System Justification Theory Perspectives" written by Dr. Tiffany Legendre, along with Rodney Warnick and Melissa Baker, has been accepted for publication in the Cornell Quarterly. Their results indicate that brand positioning status and brand localness both have main effects on one’s intent to purchase and willingness to pay a price premium. Furthermore, they found that political orientation is an important moderator in determining whether customers purchase underdog brands.

  • Dr. Agnes DeFranco, along with coauthor R. S. Schmidgall, has had an article titled “Golf Versus Non-Golf Club Operations” accepted for publication in the International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration.

  • An article titled “Applying self-perception theory to explain residents’ attitudes about tourism development through travel histories” written by Dr. Jason Draper, along with Drs. K. M. Woosnam, J. Jing, K. D. Aleshinloye and E. Erul, has been accepted for publication in Tourism Management. Their study introduces self-perception theory as a guiding framework in explaining residents' attitudes from an introspective approach involving their own degree of travel. Their findings support the need for communities to take advantage of the exemplary effects of more experienced travelers while including perspectives of all residents in the process of planning for and developing sustainable tourism.
  • Drs. Cristian Morosan and John Bowen have had their paper titled “Analytic Perspectives on Online Purchasing in Hotels: A Review of Literature and Research Directions” accepted for publication in the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.

  • Dr. Chris Taylor, along with coauthors Dr. Nelson Barber of the University of New Hampshire and Dr. Cynthia Deale of East Carolina University, have had a paper titled “Guests Repeat Patronage of Pro-environmental Hotels” accepted for publication in the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management.

  • Tanya Venegas, executive director of the HFTP Research Institute, in collaboration between HFTP and the OpenTravel alliance, has published a special global edition on Travel Industry Standards. Doctoral candidate Amanda Belarmino conducted the research and laid the groundwork for this project.

  • The September issue of Lodging magazine, page 24, features an article written by the College’s archivist and historian Dr. Mark Young. His article is titled “Gender Parity: How Women Became More Than Half of the Hospitality Workforce.”  

  • Doctoral candidate Xingyu “Maxime” Wang is the lead author on an article titled “Do it right the first time” necessarily right? The importance of error management culture in the hospitality industry.” Published in the No. 1 ranked International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management (SSCI) with coauthors Drs. Priyanko Guchait, Juan M. Madera and Aysin Pasahmehmotoglu, this is Maxime’s first accepted paper. Their study investigates the extent to which organizational error management culture impacts manager trust and group efficacy. It also examines whether manager trust and group efficacy mediates the impact of error management culture on employees’ creativity and organizational commitment.

  • Dr. Juan M. Madera, along with coauthors Drs. Mary Dawson and Priyanko Guchait, have had their paper titled “Managers’ Reactions to Customer vs. Coworker Sexual Harassment" accepted for publication in the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.

  • Dr. Chris Taylor, along with Drs. Nelson Barber and Daniel Remar of the University of New Hampshire, were just awarded one of two 2017 Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence for their highly commended paper titled “Desirability bias and perceived effectiveness influence on willingness-to-pay for pro-environmental wine products.” The article was published in the International Journal of Wine Business Research. Their research addressed whether or not consumers are basing their wine purchasing decisions on concern for the environment.

  • Dr. Yoon Koh has been invited to join the editorial advisory board of the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights (JHTI). This new publication is a sister journal to the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. JHTI is a peer-reviewed journal that focuses on research articles in all academic areas of the hospitality and tourism field. Its goal is to enhance the ongoing conversation among hospitality and tourism practitioners, academics and professionals.

  • Dean Dennis Reynolds has just been named advisor to the executive board of ICHRIE (International Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education). He served on the executive board for almost a decade, including service as vice president and president.

  • Jiseon Ahn, a doctoral candidate in the College’s first cohort of Ph.D. students, and Dr. Ki-Joon Back have had their paper titled “Influence of Brand Relationship on Customer Attitude Toward Integrated Resort Brands: A Cognitive, Affective, and Conative Perspective” accepted for publication in the Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing. Their study aims to identify and assess the antecedents of integrated resort brand loyalty from the perspective of Oliver’s (1997) cognitive, affective and conative theory of attitudinal brand loyalty. The results revealed that integrated resort brands carry high awareness of the relationship, and that the brand will invoke an emotional value in customers. 

  • Dr. Priyanko Guchait has been named director of marketing for West Federation CHRIE (Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education). His term will run from July 2017 through July 2019. 

  • The Cornell Hospitality Quarterly has accepted a paper by Dr. Juan M. Madera titled "When Targets Blame their Organization for Sexual Harassment: A Multilevel Investigation of Within-Person Appraisals." This study addressed whether or not targets of sexual harassment always blame their organization for the harassment. In a sampling of 76 college students working in frontline service jobs who completed three surveys each one month apart, he found that it depends on the extent to which the harassment was distressful and whether they feared retaliation for making a complaint. His research also demonstrated that across multiple incidents of sexual harassment, the same employee has varying degrees of fear of retaliation and perceived distress, so blaming the organization depends more on how one experiences the sexual harassment and less on the organization. 

  • A second paper by Dr. Juan M. Madera has also been accepted by the Cornell Hospitality Quarterly. Titled “What's in it for me? Perspective Taking as an Intervention for Improving Attitudes toward Diversity Management," his study explores why not all employees have positive attitudes toward diversity management regardless of the significant amount of resources that hospitality organizations spend on diversity management programs. To show how organizations can change employee attitudes to be more supportive of diversity management, Dr. Madera conducted two experiments. His research showed that situational perspective taking of discrimination – imagining being the target of workplace discrimination – increases the perceived utility and importance of diversity management. In other words, diversity management is perceived as more useful and important when individuals imagine that they, too, can be targets of discrimination.

  • Dr. Nancy Graves has received a $2,500 grant from the Society for Hospitality and Foodservice Management Foundation to support her course, Contract Foodservice Management. This is the third consecutive year that Dr. Graves has received full funding for this highly competitive grant.

  • The June issue of Lodging magazine, page 20, features an article written by the College’s archivist and historian Dr. Mark Young. He writes about the evolution of the hotel notepad. The images used in the article are from the College’s archives collection.

  • A paper by Dr. Nathan Jarvis and his colleagues at the University of Arkansas titled “Further evidence of how unbuffered starvation at 4ºC influences Listeria monocytogenes EGD-e, HCC23, F2365 and Scott A” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Food Protection. With more and more foods being partially processed and held in the refrigerated cold-chain, the possibility of contamination by and growth of the bacterial pathogen Listeria monocytogenes is increasing. This study examined how the bacterium responds to starvation conditions that are encountered by the bacterium in processing plant environments, like floors, floor drains and cart wheels. Their research demonstrated that even during long-term starvation, Listeria monocytogenes is still living and has a partially active metabolism. These results will help researchers understand how the bacterium survives long-term starvation and how it continues to contaminate the cold-chain.

  • Dr. Nathan Jarvis also wrote a second paper on Salmonella. Co-authored with his colleagues at the University of Arkansas, the paper is titled "The potential link between thermal resistance and virulence in Salmonella: A review" and has been accepted for publication in the journal Frontiers in Veterinary Science. When bacteria are consumed in food, the temperature increases from the temperature of the food to the temperature of the animal or human who consumed it. This rise in temperature can trigger genetic mechanisms that protect the bacteria from the detrimental effects of stomach acid and other aspects of digestion. This means that the pathogen has a greater chance of causing illness. This article reviewed what researchers currently know about this temperature shift and how it influences Salmonella's stress mechanisms and its ability to cause illness.
  • A paper co-authored by J. Taylor, Dean Dennis Reynolds, M. Bing, H. K. Davison and T. Ruetzler titled “Motivation and personal involvement leading to wine consumption” has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management (in press). With wine sales at the highest volume ever, this consumption behavior study examined the intrinsic motivational factors that push consumers toward wine products and the extrinsic motivational product attributes that draw, or pull, them toward wine products. Their research showed that intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors interact to increase personal involvement with wine, which subsequently predicts wine purchase and consumption. These findings help to understand a complex picture of consumer wine purchasing behaviors and may help marketers more specifically target consumers based on these interacting predictors.

  • Dr. Juan M. Madera has had his paper titled “Situational Perspective Taking as an Intervention for Improving Attitudes Toward Organizations that Invest in Diversity Management Programs" accepted for publication in the Journal of Business and Psychology (a SSCI journal).

  • Jiseon Ahn, a doctoral candidate in the College’s first cohort of Ph.D. students, has published a book chapter titled “Trends in Medical Tourism in South Korea” in Medical Tourism and Wellness. The chapter was co-authored with Dr. Ki-Joon Back and Dr. Jungkun Park. Jiseon is also the recipient of the Cullen Fellowship Travel Grant from the Office of the Provost. The grant covers much of the cost for the annual Asia Pacific Tourism Association Conference that she will attend in Busan, South Korea, in June.

  • Dr. Tiffany Shin, along with co-authors Melissa A. Baker and Young Wook Kim, has had two book chapters accepted for publication in Edible Insects in Sustainable Food Systems. The first chapter is titled “Past, Present, and Future Uses of Insects in Korean Gastronomy and the Importance of Stakeholder Involvement: Evidence from the Korean Edible Insect Laboratory Case,” and explains changes in South Korean gastronomy involving edible insects. The second chapter is titled “Customer Acceptance, Barriers, and Preferences in the U.S.,” and investigates the current state of customer acceptance of edible insects in the United States, potential market segments, barriers to insect consumption, and marketing initiatives to minimize risk and maximize benefits. Dr. Shin and her colleagues will also be presenting their paper, “Understanding customer trust and acceptance of edible insect products: The influence of perceived risk, benefits, and knowledge,” at the Global Congress of Special Interest Tourism & Hospitality in Beppu, Japan, in June.

  • Drs. Chris Taylor and Jay Neal are collaborative partners with Texas Tech University on a three-year, $895,000 grant from the USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture to create new academic and outreach programs dealing with global food security. Working with the primary investigators at Texas Tech and other collaborative researchers at the California State University-Fresno, they will use their part of the grant —$150,000 —to help train the next generation of researchers needed to reduce hunger in all corners of the world.  

  • Drs. Tiffany Shin and Nathan Jarvis have received a $15,000 research grant from the Society for Hospitality and Foodservice Management Foundation to investigate consumer perceptions of “ugly produce,” how those perceptions influence consumers’ willingness to pay, and the industry implications and hurdles of reclaiming such produce. The United States loses approximately 40 percent of its food from farm to fork. Foodservice operations are responsible for $86 billion of this waste each year. Much of this waste occurs because produce has slight imperfections that mar its appearance and, therefore, consumers don’t purchase it. Their study will contribute to the sustainability of foodservice operations, reduction of overall food waste in the U.S. and the education of chefs, foodservice managers and instructors.

  • Dr. Agnes DeFranco and R. S. Schmidgall administered a survey to members of the Club Managers of America. Their study provides a longitudinal comparison of budgetary control practices in the club industry over the past four decades, documents the various budgetary control practices, and analyzes whether or not such practices differ by the types of clubs, size and profitability. Their study’s longitudinal comparison showed that variance tolerance in food, beverage and labor cost percentages has tightened since the 1980’s, but was relaxed slightly in this current study. Subgroup analyses by demographic characteristics also showed statistically significant differences in a number of areas. The findings of their study have been accepted for publication in The Journal of Hospitality Financial Management in an article titled “Budgetary Controls in Clubs: A Time-tested Process for Financial Success.”

  • Dr. Cristian Morosan has had his paper titled “Information disclosure to biometric e-gates: The roles of perceived security, benefits and emotions" accepted for publication in the Journal of Travel Research (an SSCI journal).

  • Doctoral candidate Heyao “Chandler” Yu and Drs. Jay Neal and Sujata Sirsat have had their paper, Food Safety and Food Quality Perceptions of Farmers' Market Consumers in the United States, accepted for publication in Food Control. Their study was pursued in collaboration with K. E. Gibson and K. Wright at the University of Arkansas as part of a USDA funded project.

  • A paper co-authored by Dr. Na Su and Dean Dennis Reynolds titled “Effects of Brand Personality Dimensions on Consumers' Perceived Self-image Congruity and Functional Congruity with Hotel Brands” has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Hospitality Management. Their study explored how a hotel brand’s personality affects a consumer’s choice when selecting a hotel brand. Their findings suggest that people look for brand personality characteristics that align with their self-image. Not surprisingly, business travelers look for a brand’s personality that reflects the hotel’s functional features. 

  • The March issue of Lodging magazine features an article written by the College’s archivist and historian Dr. Mark Young. He writes about an African-American pioneer who became an expert for the lodging industry and its dining room staff in the era of legalized discrimination. The article, titled “An American Waiter: Hospitality Pioneer John B. Goins Set the Industry Standard for Hotel Restaurant Wait Staff,” appears on page 22.

  • Entomological Research (SCI expanded) has accepted a paper titled “An Overview of the South Korean Edible Insect Food Industry: Challenges and Pricing/Promotion Strategies” by Drs. Tiffany Shin and Rachel Han. Their paper provides an overview of the edible insect industry in South Korea and presents suggestions for future pricing and promotion strategies. Their study outlines the current status and challenges of the edible insect industry in the food, material, animal feed and medicinal markets. It also suggests different pricing and promotion strategies for each market segment, and describes how the consideration of personal traits, information framing, and increasing familiarity can enhance consumer consumption of insect-based foods.

  • A paper titled “Organic Wine: The Influence of Biospheric, Altruistic and Egoistic Values on Purchase Intention, Willingness to Pay More, and Willingness to Sacrifice” co-authored by I. Rahman and Dean Dennis Reynolds and has been accepted for publication by the International Journal of Hospitality Beverage Management. This study investigated facets that underlie green consumer behavior and its three core environmental values—biospheric, altruistic and egoistic. These values were analyzed in terms of their influence on behavioral intentions pertaining to organic wine. The researchers found that in addition to an inherent concern for the environment, various status motives seem to elicit organic wine endorsement. Organic wine has a certain degree of status associated with it and its consumption is often a public practice. As a result, organic wine must appeal to consumers as a product that enhances their social status. Their study also found that consumers would increasingly embrace an organic wine if it represents personal benefits, which can be health-related or economic. However, egoistic values neither cause consumers to pay more for organic wine nor to sacrifice quality for products in this category.

  • The International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management (SSCI journal) has accepted a paper from Dr. Priyanko Guchait and his colleagues at the University of Central Florida titled “The Impacts of Hotels’ Error Management Culture on Customer Engagement Behaviors." Drawing upon an error management perspective, this study examines how a hotel’s error management culture would influence customer engagement behaviors and trust toward the hotel in the wake of an information security breach.
  • A paper titled “Modelling Average Daily Rate (ADR) Volatility Index and Room Price Positioning Index” co-authored by Drs. Yoon Koh, Agnes DeFranco and Ki-Joon Back has been accepted for publication in Tourism Economics (SSCI journal). This study developed a new index that calculates relative price fluctuation: the ADR Volatility Index (AVI), which provides a more complete picture of the pricing positioning of a lodging property. Together with a Room Price Positioning Matrix, these two new tools can assist hotels in maximizing their room revenues.

  • Drs. Agnes DeFranco and Cristian Morosan have co-authored an article titled “Coping with the Risk of Internet Connectivity in Hotels: Perspectives from American Consumers Traveling Internationally,” which was accepted for publication by Tourism Management (SSCI journal). This study validated a conceptual model that guests’ knowledge, habits and convenience orientation were found to significantly influence the benefit and risk of connecting their mobile devices in hotels. Hotels can utilize the results of this study to design communication materials that encourage guests to learn more about the relatively unfamiliar networking environment of international hotels and find ways to manage their connections; to take advantage of consumers’ habits and design connectivity protocols that are similar to consumers’ familiar environments; and to partner with third-party organizations to design educational programs encouraging guests to use their mobile devices within unknown networks in unfamiliar destinations.

  • Four of our faculty and staff members had articles published in the Vol. 31/No. 4, Winter 2017 issue of The Bottomline, the journal of Hospitality Financial and Technology Professionals. Drs. Agnes DeFranco and Cristian Morosan’s article titled “Device Management: How Travelers Secure Electronics During a Hotel Stay” is on pages 14-21. Tanya Venegas, Dr. DeFranco and Arlene Ramirez co-authored an article called “Managing Assets in the Lodging Industry: The Role of the Asset Manager,” which appears on pages 22-28. And Dr. DeFranco wrote a third article with Tanya Venegas titled “A tribute to The Bottomline – Past, Present and Future” on pages 32-37.
  • Dr. Ki-Joon Back, associate dean for Research & Graduate Studies and the Eric Hilton Distinguished Chair, is currently conducting a longitudinal and cross-cultural study on “Gambling Fallacy –A Prevalent Study of Cognition Distortion and Erroneous Beliefs” among gambling participants in Korea, the United States and Switzerland. This study is being funded by Korea National Research Foundation ($125,000) for three years.
  • Dr. Sujata Sirsat, in collaboration with the Texas Department of Agriculture, has received a $500,000 grant from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to provide customized training and expertise on the Produce Safety Rule, which was established by the FDA in November 2015 to help prevent foodborne illness outbreaks. The goal of this grant is to work closely with growers based on the guidance principles of this rule to reduce the incidence of future foodborne illness outbreaks associated with fresh produce.

  • A paper by Dr. Agnes DeFranco and her research colleagues at UCF and Penn State – Drs. Nan Hua, John O'Neill, Khaldoon Nusair and Dipendra Singh – titled “Does Paying Higher Franchise Fees Command Higher RevPAR?” has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management (SSCI).  

  • A paper titled “Comparing Guests Key Attributes of Peer-to-Peer Accommodations and Hotels: Mixed Methods Approach,” written by doctoral students Amanda Belarmino and Elizabeth Whalen and Drs. Yoon Koh and John Bowen, has been accepted for publication in Current Issues in Tourism, a SSCI journal.

  • The University of Houston’s Division of Research has named Dr. Tiffany Shin as a recipient of the 2017 New Faculty Research Awards.

  • Dr. Ki-Joon Back, associate dean for Research & Graduate Studies and the Eric Hilton Distinguished Chair, was recently honored with a prestigious award from the Korean Government’s Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs for his support in the development of the Korean food industry.

  • Drs. Cristian Morosan and Agnes DeFranco presented their paper, “Complementary Factors Influencing U.S. Consumers’ Intentions to Connect Their Tablets to Hotel Networks: The Roles of Hedonic Motivations, Trust, and Heuristics,” at the ENTER2017 eTourism Conference held in Rome, Italy, January 24-26. Besides publishing the paper in the proceedings, it will also be included as a book chapter.

  • Drs. Chris Taylor and Jay Neal, in partnership with Texas Tech University, are part of a grant titled “Developing a Generation of Agricultural Change Agents in the Battles for Food Security through Capacity Building.” This 36-month, $749,404 grant allows this faculty to work with other researchers, including the world’s leading expert on E-Coli, Dr. Mindy Brashears.
  • Drs. Ki-Joon Back and Juan M. Madera have been invited to serve on the editorial board of the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.

  • A paper by Drs. Cristian Morosan and Mary Dawson and doctoral student Elizabeth Whalen titled “Using Active Learning Activities to Increase Student Outcomes in an Information Technology Course” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education.

  • Dr. Priyanko Guchait has received an Outstanding Reviewer Award by the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.

  • Doctoral students Camille Kapoor and Renata Fernandes Guzzo have published a book chapter titled “Brand Experience and Loyalty” in the Routledge Handbook of Consumer Behaviour in Hospitality and Tourism.

  • Dr. Priyanko Guchait and his colleagues from National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan have received notification that their paper, “When Customers Want to Become Frontline Employees: An Exploratory Study of Decision Factors and Motivation Types,” has been accepted for publication in Service Business (SSCI). Their study explores the “customer to frontline employee” (CtFE) phenomenon.

  • "How Mindful is Your Company? Lessons for Business (and for Zika) from the Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Ebola Crisis" by Dr. JéAnna Abbott was accepted for publication by Organizational Dynamics.

  • A paper by Dr. Juan Madera and his doctoral students Lindsey Lee and Camille Kapoor titled “Wait! What about Customer-Based Subtle Discrimination?” was accepted for publication in Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice.

  • A paper titled “The influence of values and attitudes on green consumer behavior: A conceptual model of green hotel patronage” written by Dean Dennis Reynolds and I. Rahman has been accepted for publication by the International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration (in press). This study develops a conceptual framework of consumer behavioral intentions in green hotels and identifies values and attitudes that influence consumers’ green hotel visit intention, willingness to pay more, and willingness to sacrifice. Understanding the interplay of these values and attitudes on green hotel behavioral intentions provides insights to better understand the green consumer and to better manage the green hotel.

  • Dean Dennis Reynolds, along with co-authors T. Leib, J. Taylor and W. Baker, has had a paper titled “Web-based menu design: A conjoint value analysis” accepted for publication in the International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration. Their paper explores what is important to consumers when they look at online restaurant menus. The researchers found that trust, including such aspects as accurate pricing information, is key. Surprisingly, ease of use was least important. These findings replace common menu-psychology assumptions with empirical evidence in reference to online menus.

  • Principle investigator Dr. Sujata Sirsat, mentor Dr. John Bowen, and doctoral candidate and entrepreneurial lead Chandler Yu have received an I-FAST award through USDA. Their proposal “Augmented Reality and Automated Monitoring System to Enhance Food Safety Practices in Foodservice,” provides a unique opportunity to design innovative technology and network with industry leaders in Washington D.C. throughout the fall semester.

  •  A paper by Drs.Juan Madera, Mary Dawson, Priyanko Guchait and doctoral student Amanda Belarmino titled “Strategic Human Resources Management Research in Hospitality and Tourism: A Review of Current Literature and Suggestions for the Future” was accepted for publication in the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.

  • The Journal of Wine Research has accepted a paper from Dr. Chris Taylor titled “Exploring Impulse Purchasing of Wine in the Online Environment.” His co-authors are Dr. Veena Parboteeah of Eastern New Mexico University and Dr. Nelson Barber of the University of New Hampshire. Dr. Taylor, with his former undergraduate student Dr. J. Brian Aday of San Francisco State University, has also published a paper titled “Consumer Generated Restaurant Ratings: A Preliminary Look at” in the Journal of New Business Ideas & Trends.

  •  “Listeria Monocytogenes Infection of HD11, Chicken Macrophage-like Cells” by Dr. Nathan Jarvis, Drs. Philip Crandall, Steven Ricke and Corliss O’Bryan of the University of Arkansas, and Dr. Janet Donaldson of the University of Southern Mississippi, was accepted for publication in the journal Poultry Science.

  • A paper titled “Motivation and Satisfaction of Marathon Volunteers: How Important is Volunteers’ Level of Running Experience?” by Dr. Jason Draper and former graduate student Forrest Ma has been published in the Journal of Convention & Event Tourism.
  • Dr. Sujata Sirsat has been awarded a USDA grant for her research on “A Multistate Effort to Integrate and Expand Farmers’ Market Food Safety Materials Across the Southern Region to Increase Food Safety Culture.” This $433,622 grant is part of a multi-state effort in collaboration with the University of Georgia, North Carolina State University, the University of Arkansas and Virginia Tech.
  • A paper titled “The Innovative Competitive Advantage: A Case Study of Two Pioneering Companies” co-authored by doctoral students Elizabeth Whalen and Jennifer Han was accepted for publication in the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Cases.

  • “The Art of Negotiation: A Hospitality Industry Case Study” by Drs. Priyanko Guchait and JéAnna Abbott has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Cases.

  •  Drs. Priyanko Guchait, Sujata Sirsat, Jay Neal and JéAnna Abbott had their paper, “Managing Food Safety Errors: A Case Study of Chipotle Mexican Grill,” published in the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Cases.  

  • Dr. Chris Taylor and Dr. Barber Nelson of the University of New Hampshire have been appointed to serve as managing editors of the International Journal of Hospitality Beverage Management. Dr. JéAnna Abbott also serves on the journal’s editorial board.

  • Drs. Priyanko Guchait and Jay Neal received the Best Paper designation at the 2016 International Council of Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education (ICHRIE) Conference. Their winning paper is titled “Reducing Food Safety Violations: The Role of Leader Behavioral Integrity for Food Safety, Error Reporting, and Error Management.” The conference was held July 20-22 in Dallas.

  • Dr. JéAnna Abbott received the University of Houston’s 2016 Woman and Gender Resource Center Distinguished Faculty Scholar Award in the tenured faculty category. Her international reputation in hospitality education, combined with her role as University ombudsman and her work on the Cougar Chairs Leadership Academy made her an ideal choice for this award. By effectively combining her research and responsibilities as ombudsperson, Dr. Abbott is bringing about effective change for women in the workplace.

  • “CSR and Financial Performance: The Role of CSR Awareness in the Restaurant Industry” by Dr. Yoon Koh, her former graduate student Yingyoung Rhou, and Dr. Manisha Singal of Virginia Tech, has been accepted by the International Journal of Hospitality Management (SSCI).

  • “Staycation Tourism,” a solo book section written by Dr. Jason Draper, was accepted for publication in Sage Publication's Encyclopedia of Travel and Tourism.

  • “Structural Effects of E-commerce Expenses on the Financial Performance in American Upper Midscale Hotels,” written by Drs. Cristian Morosan and Agnes DeFranco, along with their research partner Dr. Nan Hua, was accepted for publication in Tourism Analysis.

  • The editorial team of Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism has selected Dr. Cristian Morosan and his former graduate student Morgan Atwood for its 2016 Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence. Their winning paper, “An Investigation of the Persuasive Effects of Firm-Consumer Communication Dyads Using Facebook,” can be found in Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes 2015, Vol. 7, 3 E.

  • Two of our students have been awarded the 2016 Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF). Kristina Infante will work with Dr. Sujata Sirsat on identifying the microbial flora on fresh produce available to low income families, and designing novel interventions to improve produce safety. M. Van My Luong will work with Dr. Priyanko Guchait on a project titled, “Can Organizational Error Management Culture Impact Employee Health?”

  • "Why investing in Diversity Management Matters: Organizational Attraction and P-O Fit,” a paper by Drs. Juan Madera, Mary Dawson and Jay Neal, was accepted in the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research.

  • A paper titled “Three Country Study: Impact of Support on Employee Attitudes” by Drs. Priyanko Guchait and Ki-Joon Back was accepted for publication in The Service Industries Journal.

  • Dr. Ki-Joon Back, along with his research partners J. Park and A. Lee, had their paper, “Effects of Customer Personal Characteristics on the Satisfaction-Loyalty Link: A Multi-Method Approach,” accepted for publication in Service Business.

  • A paper titled “How Will My Wine Purchase Decision Be Viewed By Others?” co-authored by Drs. Chris Taylor and Nelson Barber of the University of New Hampshire was accepted for publication in the Journal of Wine Research.

  • A paper co-written by Drs. Priyanko Guchait, JéAnna Abbott, Juan Madera and Mary Dawson for their study, “Should Organizations Be Forgiving or Unforgiving? A Two-Study Replication of How Forgiveness Climate in Hospitality Organizations Drives Employee Attitudes and Behaviors,” was accepted for publication in the Cornell Hospitality Quarterly.

  • Dr. Jason Draper has received $14,207 in funding from the Greater Houston Convention and Visitors Bureau for his Meeting Planner Study. The purpose of this study is to provide an assessment of meeting and event planners’ attitudes toward Houston as a destination for meetings, conventions and trade shows.

  • Dr. Chris Taylor, along with Drs. Nelson Barber and Daniel Remar of the University of New Hampshire, have had their article titled “Desirability Bias and Perceived Effectiveness Influence on Willingness-to-Pay for Pro-Environmental Wine Products," accepted for publication in the International Journal of Wine Business Research.

  • Drs. Agnes DeFranco and Cristian Morosan, along with Tanya Venegas, have had articles published in the 2016 winter edition of HFTP’s The Bottomline. These include “Mobile Payments in Hotels Part II: NFC Mobile Payment—a Fad or the Future?” by DeFranco and Morosan; and “The Art of Sharing: The World of Shared Services in Hotels,” by P. Rosique Rodriguez, DeFranco and Venegas.

  • Dr. Mark Young, and his colleague Bradford T. Hudson of Boston College, have had their book chapter titled “Hospitality History” accepted for publication in the next edition of Hospitality: An Introduction.

  • Drs. Sujata Sirsat and Jay Neal, along with their former graduate student Hillary Norwood and a colleague at Ohio State, have had their paper titled “Evaluation of Food Safety Related Behaviors of Retail and Food Service Employees While Handling Fresh and Fresh-Cut Leafy Greens" accepted for publication in Food Control.

  • Dr. Chris Taylor has been appointed to the editorial board of Beverages. In its second year of publication, Beverages is an international, peer-reviewed scientific journal on the research, development and public policy related to beverages.

  • A paper by Drs. Juan Madera, Mary Dawson and Priyanko Guchait, “Psychological Diversity Climate: Justice, Racioethnic Minority Status, and Job Satisfaction,” has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.

  • A paper by Dr. Agnes DeFranco and her colleague Dr. Ray Schmidgall titled “How to Best Use Financial Ratios in Benchmarking and Decision Making in Clubs: Review of the Decade 2003-2012” has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration.

  • A paper titled, “Modeling guests’ intentions to use mobile apps in hotels: The roles of personalization, privacy, and involvement,” by Drs. Cristian Morosan and Agnes DeFranco has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.

  • “Applying importance-performance analysis to services of a visitor information center,” a paper by Dr. Jason Draper, has been accepted for publication in Tourism and Hospitality Research.

  • Dr. Jay Neal, along with his co-principal investigators Dr. Juan Madera and Dr. Mary Dawson, Harris County, the City of Houston and the City of Pasadena, have been awarded a five-year grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for a research project titled “The Creation of an Educational Toolkit Designed to Reduce Foodborne Illness Risk Factors in Small Restaurants, High-Risk Meat Markets, Flea Markets and Mobile-Food Establishments." The estimated award total is for $962,500 and includes two interns for the College.

  • An article co-written by Dr. Agnes DeFranco, "Is the Road to Effective Assessment of Learning Outcomes Paved With Good Intentions," has been accepted for publication by The Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education.

  • Dr. Jason Draper has been invited to serve as an editorial board member for The Journal of Convention & Event Tourism.

  • Dr. Priyanko Guchait's paper, "The Moderating Effect of Supervisor and Coworker Support for Error Management on Service Recovery Performance and Helping Behaviors," was accepted for publication by The Journal of Service Theory and Practice

  • A paper by Dr. Chris Taylor, titled "Does the Product Really Matter: A Look at Mainstream Pro-Environmental Consumption Behavior," has been accepted for publication in The Journal of Food Products Marketing

  • The University of Houston named two Hilton College assistant professors, Drs. Rachel Han and Sujata Sirsat, as recipients of 2016 New Faculty Research Awards. 

  • "Perceived Forgiveness Climate in Hospitality Organizations Drives Employee Attitudes and Behaviors: A Two-Study Replication," a paper by Drs. Priyanko Guchait, JeAnna Abbott, Juan Madera and Mary Dawson, has been accepted for publication in the Cornell Hospitality Quarterly.

  • A paper by Drs. Cristian Morosan and Agnes DeFranco, "Co-Creating Value in Hotels Using Mobile Devices: A Conceptual Model and Empirical Validation," has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Hospitality Management

  • Dr. Yoon Koh has accepted an invitation from the Journal of Hospitality Tourism Research to serve as an Editorial Review Board member.

  • A paper by Drs. Cristian Morosan and Agnes DeFranco, "It's About Time: Revisiting UTAUT2 to Examine Consumers' Intentions to Use NFC Mobile Payments in Hotels," has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Hospitality Management.

  • “Does Franchising Alleviate Restaurants’ Vulnerability to Economic Conditions?”, a paper by Dr. Yoon Koh, co-authored with graduate student Yingyoung Rhou, Dr. Seoki Lee and Dr. Manisha Singal, has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Hospitality Tourism & Research.

  • A paper by Dr. Priyanko Guchait, co-authored by Drs. Aysin Pasamehmetuglu and Juan Madera, has been accepted for publication in the Service Industries Journal. The paper is titled "Error Management Culture: Impact on Cohesion, Stress and Turnover Intentions."

  • Dr. Rachel Han's paper, "A Double Whammy Effect of Ethnicity and Gender on Consumer Responses to Management Level Service Failures," cowritten with Drs. Laurie Wu and Anna Mattila, has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Service Management

  • Dr. Chris Taylor's paper, "Relationships of Involvement, Ethnic Food Consumption and Food Shows: An Initial Exploration," has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Systems.

  • A paper co-authored by Dr. Jason Draper, Dr. Chris Taylor and graduate student Debbie De Kok, "How Important Is Wine at an Italian Festival?", has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Convention and Event Tourism.

  • Drs. Yoon Koh and Sujata Sirsat have received the Teaching Innovation Program Grant on the proposal titled, "Incorporation of Tablet Applications Into Courses to Enhance Student Engagement and Knowledge Retention." 

  • An article by Dr. Mark Young, "How M.K. Guertin Defined Best Western's Mission," was featured in the September 2015 issue of Lodging Magazine

  • A paper by former graduate student Lillian Garzon and Dr. Chris Taylor, “Loyalty Program in the Alcohol Beverage Industry: A Preliminary Look” has been accepted for publication in the Atlantic Marketing Journal.

  • Dean Dennis Reynolds’ paper, “Predicting Green Hotel Behavioral Intentions Using a Theory of Environmental Commitment and Sacrifice for the Environment,” has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Hospitality Management.

  • Dr. Ki-Joon Back’s study, “Comparison of Telephone RDD and Online Panel Survey Modes on CPGI Scores and Comorbidities,” has been accepted for publication in International Gambling Studies.

  • Congratulations to Drs. Jay Neal, Mary Dawson and Juan Madera, who’ve received a USDA-NIFA Grant for $248,000.

  • A manuscript by Dr. Juan Madera, Dr. Mary Dawson and Dr. Jay Neal, "Managers' Psychological Diversity Climate and Fairness: The Utility and Importance of Diversity Management," was accepted for publication in the Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality and Tourism.

  • A paper titled, "Friendship on Social Networking Sites: Improving Relationships Between Hotel Brands and Consumers," coauthored by Dean Dennis Reynolds and Drs. Na Su and Babu John Mariadoss of Washington State University, has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Hospitality Management.

  • "How Do Potential Medical Tourists Expect? Assessing Expectation Based on Gap Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling," a paper co-authored by recent Hilton College graduate Yoohee Hwang, Dr. Ki-Joon Back and Jungkun Park, received the Best Paper Award at the 78th TOSOK International Tourism Conference in Seoul, Korea.

  • "Learning in the Service Environment: The Influence of Diversity," a paper by Dr. Priyanko Guchait, Dr. Juan Madera and Dr. Mary Dawson, has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Service Theory and Practice.

  • Dr. Cristian Morosan's paper, "An Empirical Analysis of Intentions to Co-Create Values in Hotels Using Mobile Devices," has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research.

  • A paper by Dr. Cristian Morosan and Dr. Agnes DeFranco, "The Role of Involvement, Personalization and Privacy in Influencing Hotel Guests' Intentions to Use Hotel-Branded Mobile Apps," won the iHITA-HFTP Best Research Paper Award for 2015. 

  • Dr. Sujata Sirsat and Dr. Jay Neal's review article titled, "Growth of Local Food Systems: A Review of Potential Food Safety Implications," was accepted for publication in CAB Reviews, a journal that covers agriculture, global health, nutrition, natural resources and veterinary science. 

  • Dr. Cristian Morosan was selected by a group of his peers to receive the 2015 Stephen Rushmore / HVS Faculty Research Award.

  • Lecturer Arlene Ramirez and Dr. Agnes DeFranco appeared in a special feature about the hospitality industry's most influential female finance professionals in The BOTTOMline, the official journal of Hospitality Financial and Technology Professionals.

  • An article co-authored by Dr. Agnes DeFranco and Dr. Cristian Morosan, "Laptops, Tablets and Phones! Oh My!", was featured in the Spring 2015 issue of The BOTTOMline.

  • Dr. Mark Young's article about the beginnings of Westin Hotels in the 1930s was featured in the May 2015 issue of Lodging magazine.

  • A manuscript by Dr. Yoon Koh, "Effects of Social Media on Firm Value for U.S. Restaurant Companies," was accepted for publication in the International Journal of Hospitality Management.

  • A paper by Dr. Jason Draper, "Comparing Destination Image of Visitors, Potential Visitors and Residents," was recently published in the eReview of Tourism Research.

  • "An Investigation of the Persuasive Effects of Firm-Consumer Communication Dyads Using Facebook," a paper co-authored by graduate student Morgan Atwood and Dr. Cristian Morosan, was accepted for publication in Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, Special Edition on Social Media.

  • Dr. Cristian Morosan has accepted a position on the editorial board of the Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, his fourth editorial-board membership.

  • A paper authored by Dr. Cristian Morosan and Dr. Agnes DeFranco, "Disclosing Personal Information Via Hotel Apps: A Privacy Calculus Perspective," has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Hospitality Management.

  • "Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles as an Environmental Sanitizing Agent," a paper authored by Dr. Sujata Sirsat and Dr. Jay Neal, has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Microbial & Biochemical Technology.

  • Dr. Sujata Sirsat and Dr. Priyanko Guchait have been awarded the University of Houston Grant to Enhance and Advance Research (GEAR) in the amount of $30,000 for their proposal titled, “The Impact of Leader Behavioral Integrity for Food Safety on Error Reporting, Error Management, and Food Safety Performance." This is a very competitive grant at the university – congrats!

  • "A Perspective-Taking Model for Global Assignments," an article written by Dr. JeAnna Abbott, has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Global Mobility

  • Dr. Priyanko Guchait's paper, "Making Teamwork Work: Team Knowledge for Team Effectiveness," has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied.

  • "To Tweet or Not to Tweet: That is the Question for Hoteliers - An Exploratory Study," a paper co-written by Dr. Chris Taylor, has been accepted for publication in the Information Technology & Tourism journal.

  • An article written by Dr. Mark Young, "Reinventing a Niche Market: Kemmons Wilson Revolutionized the Motel Model and Created Holiday Inn," was featured in the February 2015 issue of Lodging magazine.

  • A paper titled "Error Recovery Performance: The Impact of Leader Behavioral Integrity and Job Satisfaction," co-authored by Dr. Priyanko Guchait, has been accepted for publication in the Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, an SSCI Journal.

  • Dr. Cristian Morosan's paper, "Using Registered Traveler Biometric to Co-Create Value in Air Travel: Development of a Conceptual Model," has been accepted for publication in eReview of Tourism Research.

  • A paper by Dr. Agnes DeFranco, Dr. Cristian Morosan and Dr. Nan Hua, titled "The Other Side of Technology Adoption: Examining the Relationships Between E-Commerce Expenses and Hotel Performance," has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Hospitality Management.

  • "An Empirical Framework to Predict Idiosyncratic Risk in a Time of Crisis: Evidence From the Restaurant Industry," a paper by Dr. Priyanko Guchait, has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.

  • Dr. Cristian Morosan and Dr. Agnes DeFranco’s paper, “Understanding the Actual Use of Mobile Devices in Private Clubs in the U.S.,” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology (JHTT).

  • A paper by Dr. Priyanko Guchait and Dr. JeAnna Abbott titled “Psychological Safety and Learning Behaviors for Enhanced Service Recovery Performance: Error Management Practices at Three Organizational Levels in Service Industry,” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism.

  • “Perceived Supervisor and Coworker Support for Error Management: Impact on Perceived Psychological Safety and Service Recovery Performance,” a paper by Dr. Priyanko Guchait and Dr. Mary Dawson, has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Hospitality Management.

  • Dr. Agnes DeFranco and Dr. Cristian Morosan’s paper, “Clubs and Mobile Apps in the Year 2014, Part 2: Making the Inroads,” has been accepted for publication in The Bottomline 29(3), 18-22.

  • “Managing Language Bar

  • riers in the Workplace: The Roles of Job Demands and Turnover Intentions,” a paper written by Dr. Juan Madera, Dr. Mary Dawson, and Dr. Jay Neal, has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Hospitality Management.

  • A paper written by Dr. Cristian Morosan and Dr. Agnes DeFranco, “When Tradition Meets the New Technology: An Examination of the Antecedents of Attitudes and Intentions to Use Mobile Devices in Private Clubs,” was recently accepted for publication in the International Journal of Hospitality Management.

  • Dr. Ki-Joon Back and Choognki Lee’s paper, “Determining the Attributes of Casino Customer Satisfaction: Applying Impact-Range Performance and Asymmetry Analyses,” was recently accepted for publication in the Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing.

  • Two feature manuscripts written by Dr. Jay Neal, Dr. Sujata Sirsat, Barbara Almanza and Sheryl Kline have been accepted for publication in the July/August 2015 issue of the Journal of Environmental Health. The manuscripts are titled “How Clean Are Hotel Rooms? Part 1 (Visual Observations Versus Microbiological Contamination)” and “How Clean Are Hotel Rooms? Part 2 (Examining the Concept of Cleanliness Standards).”

  • A paper co-authored by Dr. Ki-Joon Back has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. The paper is titled “The Effects of Quality of Work Life on Job Satisfaction Among Frontline Hotel Employees: A Self-Determination and Satisfaction Theory Approach.”

  • Dr.Priyanko Guchait’s paper, “Psychological Contracts, Perceived Organization and Supervisor Support: Investigating the Impact of Intent to Leave Among Hospitality Employees in India,” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism.

  • “The Evolution of Marketing Research,” a paper co-authored by Dr. Cristian Morosan, Dean John Bowen and graduate student Morgan Atwood, has been accepted for publication in the top-ranked International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.

  • An article co-authored by Dr. Jason Draper, “Structural Elements and Diachronous Citation Analysis Among Top-Ranking Tourism Journals (1990-2010)," has been accepted for publication in Tourism Management Perspectives.

  • Dr. Chris Taylor recently had an article accepted for publication in the Journal of Wine Economics and Policy. The article, which Dr. Taylor wrote with his economist colleague Dr. Michael Snipes, is titled “Model Selection and Akaike Information Criteria: An Example From Wine Ratings and Prices.”