How to Apply - University of Houston
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Air Force 2019
For eligibility, ensure you have a minimum of 3 years of college courses remaining.
Follow these 3 steps to register as a cadet:
1. Create a WINGS account.

2. Enroll in the Air Force ROTC courses with your university. (The course code should be something similar to AFSC 1201, 1202, 2201 and 2202.)

3. RSVP for and attend our New Cadet Orientation (New Cadets) and  (New AFROTC Scholarship recipients only) at our Detachment and bring the following: Spring Orientation to take place a week before school starts. CONTACT for more information about PT and Orientation. 

  • Original Birth Certificate (must be the original or certified copy)
  • Original Social Security Card
  • Completed Air Force Form 28, Pre-Participatory Physical with physician’s stamp. Physical must be completed no more than 30 days prior to semester start date.
    (File must be downloaded to your computer; it will not work if you try to open it from the website. There are a variety of low cost places you can get a sports physical other than your family physician or pediatrician. Try your university or college’s Student Medical Center or your local pharmacy, such as CVS or Walgreens.)
  • Current immunization records
  • SAT and/or ACT scores
  • High School Transcript (can be a certified copy)
  • College Transcripts (if applicable, can be unofficial)
  • Certificate of completion for JROTC (if applicable)
  • Provide permanent address, phone number and email.
  • Selective service number for males (Visit, click on "check a registration" and put in the appropriate information to retrieve your #.)
  • DD Form 214 (if applicable)
  • Bank account and routing number (can be found on a check)
  • Complete the attached FM48. Click here for the form and instructions.

Please note:

  • Your college/university may require you to be “force gained” into one of the courses due to conflicting lab times. If this is the case, contact AFROTC Cadre for help as soon as you are notified of the conflict.
  • Cadets are required to complete at two physical training (PT) sessions per week. Third PT session recorded on your own. PT is held every Monday – Wednesday 0550 to 0650. You must complete your Form 28 (Pre-Participatory Physical Form) prior to participating in PT. If you do not have your physical complete, you will not be allowed to participate until the physical is complete and turned in to AFROTC Cadre. If you need a copy of the Form 28, contact the Detachment.

Crosstown Universities


Air Force ROTC

University of Houston | 3875 Holman Street, Room 109 | Houston, TX 77204-5048
Phone: 713.743.4932 |