The global pandemic has been a challenging ordeal for everyone; the Division of Student Affairs (DSA) remains focused on continuing to deliver exceptional programming to help our students become successful. We applaud our students for their commitment to achieving their educational dreams and commend them for not allowing the challenges of the pandemic to hold them back. The (DSA) is equally committed to helping Coogs reach their educational and professional objectives through our programs, resources, and financial support. We believe that the success of our students is our success as a division, beneficial for the University of Houston, and a positive contribution to the community.
The Division of Student Affairs team continues to provide students with the tools to move forward as they pursue their goals. We encourage students to give back to their community through service which helps not only the student but society. The Center for Student Involvement (CSI) has guided our students to become engaged in service through the President’s Student Volunteer Services (PVSA) awards and has increased participation in FY22 by 80 percent. This program is a premier volunteer awards program that encourages citizens to live a life of service through presidential gratitude and national recognition. The PVSA awards are awarded annually based on service hours that the students log between April 1st through March 31st each year. CSI used the “Get Involved” system where students can submit their hours. This allows our students to learn the importance of giving back while receiving recognition from the President. Their service contributes to the overall impact of the University of Houston (UH) and every student's contribution makes a difference.
The Division of Student Affairs (DSA) also believes in empowering our students by engaging in experiential learning. This allows our students to connect theories and knowledge learned in the classroom to real-world situations. The Center for Student Media (CSM) is a department where students take the reins through UH student-driven media outlets to gain hands on experience. CSM supports student-driven expression through newspaper publications, radio broadcasting, and video production. Our CSM department has three major student-run media outlets, The Cougar, Coog Radio, and CoogTV. The Cougar, which is published every Wednesday during the Fall and Spring semesters is also featured online daily. This printed and online newspaper focuses on news, sports, life, and arts, and has an opinion page, which is a student editorial page that allows students to voice their opinion on many topics. Our CoogRadio, a University of Houston Radio channel, boasts student radio shows that allow students to become on-air personalities while in college. CoogTV allows students to discuss sports, news, entertainment, life, and the arts through their unique perspectives. This student-run TV station provides students a creative outlet to create meaningful videos for the University that have three main objectives: drive members to become part of the organization, promote CoogTV among students and the public to grow viewership, and highlight our free movie services to the University of Houston (UH) student population. These media outlets are managed by our students with guidance from the CSM staff and drive revenue from advertising sales from FY22 of $98,083. The CSM promotes innovative programming techniques through our media outlets that provide our students with hands-on skills to help them to become competitive in their respective fields and encourage them to be their best.
One of our students who exemplifies a willingness to be the absolute best is the University of Houston, Legacy Award winner and student, Sarah Khan. Sarah Khan wrote a testimonial in response to the help and assistance she received from our International Student and Scholar Services Office (ISSSO) Director, Dr. Jin Zhang. Sarah stated, “Thank you! I am nothing without your encouragement, kindness, help, and inspiration! So thankful to you for everything I am thankful for you having faith in me, encouraging me, and believing in me. I received three awards and was a Dean’s Award Finalist!”