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Response Time Analysis of Real-Time Quantum Computing Systems

Thursday, May 9, 2024

11:00 am - 12:00 pm

This talk will discuss the potential of quantum computing for real-time applications, aiming to ensure that quantum programs meet application-specific timing requirements essential for formal verification of timing guarantees. Leveraging the functional reactive programming (FRP) model, which accurately predicts worst-case response times (WCRT) for fault-tolerant classical systems, researchers adapted similar analysis techniques for quantum programs. Ongoing research involves developing a mapping from quantum programs to FRP models for efficient timing analysis, particularly considering errors in quantum computers arising from quantum decoherence and state fidelity.

About the Speaker

Albert Cheng, a Fulbright specialist and professor of computer science at the University of Houston, is an expert in real-time systems, quantum computing and security. With over 270 publications, Cheng’s research focuses on the design, analysis, and optimization of embedded and real-time systems, real-time virtualization and cyber-physical systems.

Cheng is a recipient of the University of Houston’s Undergraduate Research Menor Award and has authored a popular textbook on real-time systems. Additionally, Cheng is the Founder and CEO of AMKC Informatics, LLC, demonstrating his commitment to translating research into practical solutions.


Ishita Sharma